BIRTH PANGS ARE INCREASING by Howard Green SEVERAL SELECTED QUOTES: (1.) Pestilence: Its one of the birth pains mentioned in the Bible. Ebola has captured the worlds attention and it is worth noting that the confirmed cases are multiplying in just the past few days. There are so many conflicting reports that it is becoming difficult to separate fact from fiction. What we do know is that west Africa is reeling from Ebola and there are 1 million people quarantined in just Sierra Leone at the time of this article. We also know now that America isnt exempt from the threat posed by ebola. World wide travel, open borders, and a few lapses in screening have brought ebola here. Only time will tell if this disease can be contained before the CDCs worst case scenario of 1.4 million deaths might become reality. (2.) Earthquakes: Fukushima 6.6 magnitude quake, 2010 Chile quake magnitude 8.8, 2014 Chile quake magnitude 8.2, 2004 Indonesian quake magnitude est. 9.2 (3rd strongest recorded) and resulting tsunami killed over 230,000 people. Haiti earthquake of 2010 was a 7.0 magnitude and killed an estimated 160,000-200,000 people. Earthquakes have always been a part of life, but the crescendo of their frequency and magnitude has been a mark of seismic activity in our time. Even places such as Oklahoma and Kansas have had swarms of earthquakes in just the last few years. (3.) Birth pains are everywhere now. The recent ebola outbreak is another sad reminder that this world is running headlong toward a climax. Jesus is coming soon and the increase in the events mentioned above is evidence of that fact.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 21:04:26 +0000

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