BLACK DEATHS IN CUSTODY AND FAILURES OF GOVERNMENT AND DCS: Another intended Pacifying Letter was sent to me on the 30th Jan 2014, from the Premier of Western Australia, the Honorable Mr Colin Barnett. I received this response letter with regards to the grave concerns I withhold of our incarcerated Aboriginal People being subjected to a “second invasion” of recent foreigners with the WA Government DCS system. Thereby, this also prevents Aboriginals receiving the much needed culturally appropriate assistance a majority of times, especially so whilst experiencing a crisis. Due to the “recent foreigners” not possessing Aboriginal Cultural Awareness this can have a devastating impact on our incarcerated people in all regards, including rehabilitation and especially so with Deaths in Custody. I am very familiar with the issues of Deaths in Custody. Culture awareness is vital to assist the prevention of an unwarranted Death in Custody. Prisoners are sent to Prison to serve time - not to die. Aboriginal people are many times incarcerated due to Generational Aboriginal Racism Incarceration, since colonization! The practice of the stolen generations also continue on by Government with their Racist Justice System, and the DCS. Prisoners want to see, talk and receive support from our own Mob, especially whilst anxious, depressed and suicidal. They do not feel comfortable interacting with “recent foreigners” and others who are “non-Aboriginals”. Also the accents “recent foreigners” possess presents a barrier within itself, as Aboriginal Prisoners have difficulty understanding. After reading an article on the death of John Pat, I feel it needs to be reinforced why Black Deaths in Custody continue on. I also found this article immensely sobering and tragically sad “however” John Pats story must be told, and the truth of despicable racism injustices to Aboriginal people since invasion days needs to continue to be exposed and changes made. Journalist Jan Maynan along with a courageous number of other Journalists is certainly an inspiration to many, with regards to having the courage to step forward and expose the horrors of Deaths in Custody and other injustices that continue on for the Indigenous People of this country, since colonization. The Royal Commission of Black Deaths in Custody has fallen on deaf ears, so to speak, especially so within the DCS system. Jan Mayans’ opinion (Tracker, Nov 13th 2012) of nothing much has changed since the Royal Commission Recommendations of the Prevention of Deaths in Custody; I can vouch is most certainly correct. The appalling injustices continue on at an even worse rate, within the Western Australian Justice system, including the DCS system and its Prisons, as I am sure elsewhere all over the Country. The RCRs of preventing Deaths in Custody obviously fell on deaf ears (so to speak) with those within Government at the time, and continues to do so today, demonstrating more so how the Aboriginal People within this country are readily disregarded. The John Pat apology was a long time coming I suppose it is better late than never. The Generational Racism Invasion Mentality towards Aboriginal People since colonization by Government, their Government run departments and many in Society needs abolishing. Government speak of reconciliation and bridging the gap; it will never happen until they and others change the GRIM mentality ingrained within their thought patterns. Included in the GRIM Mentality is the continuing perceptions regarding oppression, suppression and incarceration as the answers with dealing with Aboriginal People. It is clearly recognizable this mentality still exists by Governments and their Justice systems; demonstrated also by Government building more Prisons’ and the alarming rapidly increasing rate of Aboriginal Incarceration. Action will always speak louder than words! Meanwhile, the Deaths in Custody of Aboriginal people will also continue on, contributed by racism and the Inappropriate Culture Awareness operational procedures infiltrated throughout the WA Government DCS System, and I assume other states. As well as Generational Racism Aboriginal Incarceration, since invasion days! Unfortunately, I certainly am familiar with the harmful exploitation operation procedures and racism issues throughout the WA Government DCS System. My familiarity stems from being in the role of an Aboriginal Visitors Scheme Employee over a 20 year period, up until my termination for blowing the whistle, after the near fatal attempted suicides of 2 young brothers (within a span of 12 hours)! This tragic event occurred within the WA Greenough Regional Prison. Assistance from the culturally appropriate AVS service for the 2 young men, was denied during and after the events. My questioning and going to the Media, after these tragic events was not appreciated and the threats and harassment came. Much to the dismay of the DCS unprofessional authorization figures in the WA Government DCS so called Professional Standards Unit, I did not back down. I have no fear of exposing the truth, when it needs to be exposed. According to those within the WA Government and the WA DCS system the provision of the AVS service is a secondary measure to suicidal Aboriginal Prisoners. The WA Government and WA Government DCS system somehow perceive they need not obey by the RCRs of preventing DIC rulings and instructions, regarding the AVS service being provided to suicidal Aboriginal Prisoners. How shocking, especially after the tragic incident with the 2 young Yamaji brothers within the horrid Greenough Regional Prison. The GRP is in desperate need of a culturally appropriate suicide prevention service, and currently without one. A Prison with an appalling poor track record of 7 Black Deaths in Custody certainly needs a quality consistent Aboriginal culture suicide prevention service operating at all times, one would presume. Mind you, I was rudely informed on several occasions by Senior Staff within the GRP, who display arrogance, we managed without the AVS service! Appears to me and others they are not managing too well. A prison support counselling service consisting of “recent foreigners” is provided to Aboriginal Prisoners, within the WA government DCS system, and a preference before the AVS. Idiotically once again, DCS provide a counselling service the Prisoners and other Aboriginals do not want! The DCS system has also allowed the deterioration of the AVS, with its unprofessional mad mess circus operations. I suppose the unprofessional operations stems from the top, downwards, so to speak. The DCS cannot provide ongoing quality successful training for AVS employees, little lone all the recent foreigners they employ! The 2 young brothers who attempted suicide was actually receiving counselling from the White South African Psychologist who is a part of this culturally inappropriate service, she remains in the Prison. The received letter (30 Jan 2104) from the WA Premier Mr Colin Barnett wrongly informed me the DCS employees receive intensive Aboriginal Culture Awareness training. Has Mr Barnett been employed in the DCS system to witness what he is falsely informed? How ludicrous for Mr Barnett and others in Government to assume a training course consisting of several days or so would qualify all the “recent foreigners” to deal with our vulnerable incarcerated people. The born and bred non-Aboriginal Australian many times greatly lacks with understanding Aboriginal People and their culture and customs, and grasping the ongoing destructive repercussions Aboriginals struggle and deal with contributed by the colonization of their forbearers. Subjecting vulnerable incarcerated Aboriginals to a “second invasion of recent foreigners” and not providing quality consistent suicide prevention services for incarcerated Aboriginals, is despicable and a failure on the part of the WA Government and its DCS system, and likely to contribute further to Blacks Deaths in Custody. Joyce Capewell 31 Jan 2014.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:59:39 +0000

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