BLACK man must arise with thee source of life let go of his Ego - TopicsExpress


BLACK man must arise with thee source of life let go of his Ego the evil hemisphere of his mind brain and connected we the black woman the subconscious supreme creator of life void If we wanna survive, heal, live, have a future for our black children and their black children and their black children, it is imperative that the black man we must reawakening RESTORE connect with the Great Mother, Black Mamma of Creation. Put the Female back into the equation for She is the Source of Life. WATER, BLOOD,MILK which is your survivors black man RESPECT HONOR THE SACRED PLACE WE ALL COME FROM THE WOMB The Black Woman, being the Mother of humanity, especially THE BLACK MAN NEED to do this! As this occurs then the necessary actions required for humanitys and Earths survival will take place. FOR PEACE NOW most of us BLACK MAN realise that we are out of balance within ourselves, with each other and with the planet. Other forces and other agendas THE EGO OF MAN have cut off the feminine the black woman and have driven respect for the cycles of life and nature into a place of suspicion and domination Without the wisdom of the other, the male principle continues to divide and conquer the planet, paving it over for the mechanical product of his wounded EGO. black man RESPECT HONOR THE SACRED PLACE WE ALL COME FROM THE WOMB The way we now reflect outward, the way we create our habitat here on this feminine Earth is an indicator of our internal crisis of spirit. Some believe that in prayer or by studying traditions we might gain clues as to what is not working within ourselves. Although we are on the right track in thinking that something must change, we are still mostly looking outwards and not within ourselves. Nowdays people condemned nature and the feminine principle. BLACK Women and nature were vilified and everyone was thrown out of balance. It seems like its about cutting off the male from the female and the human being from nature. But fortunately, the human spirit is strong. The black waman holds the mystery of creation. This simple and primordial truth is often overlooked, but at this time of global crisis, which also carries the seeds of a global transformation, brothers need to reawaken/connect with BLACK WOMAN to HER spiritual power and potential of the feminine. energy source that is part of her very own nature, black man must let go of there ego and know before it was Father God, it was Mother God. THE BLACK WOMAN Our African ancestors in kemet Egypt knew it was the mother that kept them in her womb for 9 months, birthed them and nurtured them during their earliest stages of life. They recognized her divine responsibility and they know the black woman was identical to the universe. Therefore, they created female deities worshiped her and held her in high esteem. black man RESPECT HONOR THE SACRED PLACE WE ALL COME FROM THE WOMB THE MOST IMPORTANT FEMALE DEITY WAS MAAT SHE WAS FUNDAMENTAL OF KEMET MAAT is TRUTH JUSTICE RIGHTNESS HARMONY AND COSMIC ORDER OF UNIVERSE --- Maat was not born from another god or goddess. She has been around since the beginning of creation as the principal of cosmic order; she is consciousness itself. Even the Sun God, Ra, lives by the cosmic order of Maat. From Maat, we learn the the concept of inner balance (male/female The black woman uterus represents the microcosm of the macrocosm known as the Universe. The black womb is a miniature or microcosmic universe. The most ancient term we have for the word universe is OM. W-OM-B -- So -- IS BLACK WOMAN IS GOD THE ANSWER; Yes yes yes yes yes SISTERS HAS TO UNDERSTAND AND LET GO OF THIS FANTASY SLAVE MASTER RELIGION AND KNOW THEY energy source that is part of their very own nature, nothing new can be born into the world this is why you have been sent for restoration of feminine black man RESPECT HONOR THE SACRED PLACE WE ALL COME FROM THE WOMB for global peace
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:19:23 +0000

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