BLAH...BLAH...BLAH Cruz IS Establishment...he doesnt have a - TopicsExpress


BLAH...BLAH...BLAH Cruz IS Establishment...he doesnt have a Conservative cell in his body. Cruz is married to a 5 year member in the Anti American Council on Foreign Relations whose goal is to end US sovereignty in favor of the New World Order. Also Cruzs wife is an executive at Goldman Sachs (VP) THE banksters leading the way in the economical collapse of the USA. Cruz came out of NOWHERE. All these are signs of establishment globalist selection and placement much like the CIA operative currently in the White House. Who is Cruzs daddy? Served with/for Fidel Castor and the Communists in Cuba and was an illegal immigrant. Technically, as bright a lawyer as Ted Cruz is, one would think he knows he must formally go to a Canadian Embassy and file forms to legally renounce his citizenship. Which doesnt make him a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. Both parents have to be US CITIZENS. As for his father, he has freely admitted to entering the United States illegally after having fought for Fidel Castro in the Cuban Revolution. He entered the United States in 1957 to study at the University of Texas, knowing no English and with only $100 sewn into his underwear. Unfortunately, his arrival in 1957 was well before enactment of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 that says, essentially, that anyone who fled Cuba and got into the United States would be allowed to pursue residency a year later. Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, Senator Ted Cruz father only became a US Citizen in 2005. How is it that Rafael Bienvenido Cruz has been in the United States first from his arrival all through his time of study at the University of Texas. Then leaving the United States to live in Canada and only returning in 1974 to the United States. All the while not being a citizen or going through the proper immigration channels initially, attending the University of Texas and re-entering the United States in 1974, then only becoming a US Citizen in 2005 ? Shouldnt Rafael Bienvenido Cruz have to pay some type of penalty for evading and obstructing our Immigration laws for over 40+ years? Ted Cruz is Constitutionally INELIGIBLE to be POTUS or VP New York Tribune 1896: Those born of non-citizen parents may not be eligible for POTUS. The Boston Globe: “native born” does not equal “natural born” for Presidential eligibility. Natural Born Citizen for Dummies The House of Representatives Definition of “Natural Born Citizen” = Born of citizen “parents” IN the US. https://youtube/watch?v=5oIW5lPsfZM hangthebankers/ted-cruzs-wife-is-a-goldman-sachs-vp-and-cfr-member/ westernjournalism/if-obama-has-no-natural-born-citizenship-problem-why-did-congress-try-to-fix-it/ puzo1.blogspot/
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 01:11:04 +0000

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