BLASPHEMY ON THE DAY OF ATONEMENT The Day of Atonement is the most serious and holiest day of the year for Jews all over the world. Yet on this day, the most blasphemous event takes place, the ceremony of the kapparrot at dawn or the killing of a white rooster or hen. This ceremony takes place the day before Yom Kippur and orthodox Jews practice it. This observance is found in the Code of Jewish Law. {Ganzerfied & Goldin} The ritual practice of slaughtering a white fowl has no biblical support in our written Holy Scriptures. It is a custom that Jews learned from gentiles, and to this day they fellow this custom, which is clearly forbidden. Our Holy Scriptures clearly states the following: “You must not live according to the customs of the nations I am going to drive out before you. Because they did all these things, I abhorred them.” Why would orthodox Jews who profess to love G-d and Torah profane the Day of Atonement by committing a practice that gentiles do? This practice on the day before Yom Kippur clearly demonstrates either a disregard for G-d or ignorance of Holy Scriptures. Jews who had contact with non-Jews immersed themselves in a non-Jewish custom that is practiced in Asia, Africa and other parts of the world. Not realizing the severity of this sin against G-d on the holiest day of the year, they encourage others to follow in this pagan gentile ritual. If prayer, fasting and charity replace the ancient temple service why do it? The sacrificing of chickens is done in many parts of the world including Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America. In Europe the custom of the Slavs and Gypsies, sacrificing chickens was practiced before Christianity came into existence. Slavs, Germanic tribes and other people groups influenced Jews in adopting this pagan custom. It was there that many Jews adopted this pagan custom of killing a chicken and making it a part of Jewish law and custom. “Hear what the LORD says to you O house of Israel. This is what the LORD says: “Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the sky though the nations are terrified by them”. Many tribal groups engage in the custom of sacrificing chickens, pigs and other animals. The Bisu people from Thailand practice chicken sacrificing. The Burkina Faso people from Mali, Africa and the Dong people from China all practice the ceremony of chicken sacrificing. Europe is where this ritual developed, among so-called Christians who influenced pious Jews who wanted to connect to G-d on a deeper spiritual level. Pious Jews incorporated this custom, and justified this ritual by using scripture to support their position. The custom of trusting Rabbis and oral traditions to keep this ritual alive and other non-biblical statues has kept the Jewish community especially the orthodox in the dark for hundreds of years; and in the process has caused many to sin against G-d. This scriptures attest to the fact that when one Jew sins, all of Israel is guilty of sin. {Joshua 7:10-26} This unwavering commitment by innocent pious young men to devote themselves to oral traditions as the final authority has in reality pitted themselves against the Almighty. It is G-d who wants to reveals his plan of redemption as the one whom we should trust. The Holy Scriptures makes it quite clear in the following verse: “For my ways thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways,” declares the LORD. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” What is needed in Judaism is a return to the written Holy Scriptures the Holy Bible. Jews must return to a place where the scriptures are the supreme and final authority in all manners pertaining to Judaism. Without the written scripture as the final authority false teaching from present day Rabbis and false oral traditions will continue. Judaism needs a reformation of the mind and a deep cleansing of the soul from false teachings. Now is the time to repent and return to Ha- Shem and say YES to G-d and our written Holy Scriptures and no to false teachings.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 19:02:17 +0000

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