BLIND JUSTICE Written by Sai Marie Johnson (copyright - TopicsExpress


BLIND JUSTICE Written by Sai Marie Johnson (copyright reserved) Based on true events INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY SAVANNAH, 29, pretty, in a black yoga outfit is seated on the couch typing vigorously on her computer when suddenly an IM popup shows on the screen reading: SKYLIMIT: Hey, Savannah! I just finished reading that short story you wrote. It was amazing! You are so talented. How is college going? HEAVENTSENT: Hey, Shannan! This new class is a bit challenging, but I really like it. I’m glad you liked the story. Suddenly the front door slams, and Savannah looks up to see her husband pass through the hall on his way towards the kitchen. Savannah types a quick goodbye to her IMing friend, and gets up to exit into the hallway to follow her husband into the kitchen. INT. KITCHEN - DAY JUSTIN, 25, good looking, enters the kitchen and leans against the counter, looking down at his hands, scanning his fingers. JUSTIN I have some bad news that I don’t know what to tell you, Savannah. He folds his arms and looks at her. SAVANNAH What do you mean, Justin? What’s going on? JUSTIN I just got paid, and the utility board charged me fifty dollars only to turn around and say that I still owed them 110. They keep doubling, and tripling these bills. They’ve gotten away with it for months. Nobody’s going to stop them. SAVANNAH So, then do something to stop it. These people are robbing us blind. Every month these bills get higher. JUSTIN Can you get a loan from your Mom? SAVANNAH Again? I mean, I’m supposed to visit her in North Carolina in a week, and now I’m not going to be able to do that. JUSTIN I’m sorry, Savannah, but the kids have to have the water on. Justin scoffs, and shakes his head. SAVANNAH If you think calling my mom every time things go wrong is an instant solution you’re crazy. You’re supposed to be the head of the household here. Savannah is angry. JUSTIN I’m making the most money that I can. What do you want from me? He looks down, helpless. SAVANNAH I don’t know, Justin. Savannah exits. JUSTIN (O.S.) You know I love you, Savannah! INT. BEDROOM - DAY Savannah is on Skype. SAVANNAH Mom, I need to borrow some more money to pay my utility bill. DANA, 48, in a business suit, is seen on the computer screen, seated at her hotel table peering out the window. DANA Savannah, how am I supposed to get you and Shelley out here for a visit if Justin never pays the bills? SAVANNAH Mom, he’s doing the best he can, and he does have a job. This is because this utility board is corrupt, and greedy. They’re stealing money from everyone. It was even in the newspaper. Savannah sighs in desperation. DANA Well, how much is the bill now? SAVANNAH They’re asking for a hundred and sixty dollars for a bill that was originally sixty dollars, but I have to pay it in full or they won’t turn my water back on. Savannah looks embarrassed. DANA So if I wire you two hundred dollars will that be enough? SAVANNAH Yes, Mom. DANA And by sending this today you’ll have your water on in time? SAVANNAH I will make sure that it’s paid as soon as they money, Mom. Promise. DANA Alright, well I don’t get off work for another two hours. I can swing by the bank to have the money sent through Western Union. SAVANNAH Okay, Mom. Just send me the information. I guess me and Shelley won’t be able to come see you in North Carolina this summer. Savannah sighs sadly. DANA Savannah, I’m still very proud of you for what you’re doing in college. Just because this happened doesn’t mean you won’t get to see me. It just means you won’t get to see me right now. SAVANNAH Mom, I’m used to being the person who finishes last here. I’m sorry. DANA Don’t apologize. This is beyond your control, and I’m just thankful that God’s allowing me to help. I love you, Savannah. SAVANNAH I love you too, Mom. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. Savannah hangs up and exits. INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS Justin, eavesdropping, stands outside the door. JUSTIN So, what did she say? SAVANNAH She said she’ll contact us later when the money’s been wired. I’ll go pay the bill after that. JUSTIN Okay, well, I’m going to head back over to work then. Call me if you need anything. He leans over and kisses Savannah’s cheek and exits. SAVANNAH Be careful, I love you. Savannah turns to walk back to the kitchen where her daughter and son are eating. CHIENNE, 12, petite, pretty, Hispanic features, curly dark hair, dressed in black leggings, and a pink T-shirt. CHIENNE Mom, why is Justin mad again? Chienne looks up at Savannah as she enters the kitchen. NATHANIEL, 2, redhair, playful, rambunctious, dressed in blue tanktop and matching basketball shorts. NATHANIEL Mama, where’s daddy? SAVANNAH Justin’s just worried about the bills again, Chi. Don’t worry about it everything will be okay. Savannah moves to sit beside Chienne in an empty chair. Nathaniel comes to stand by his mom. NATHANIEL Mama, where’s daddy?! Savannah looks down at her son who is now demanding an answer from his mother. SAVANNAH Daddy went back to work, son. He’ll be home soon. Do you guys want to ride with me to the store later? CHIENNE Yeah, that sounds like fun. It will get us out of the house for a bit. Savannah smiles gently and nods. EXT. GROCERY STORE/CUSTOMER SERVICE - AFTERNOON CLERK, 21, short, stands behind the counter as Savannah fills out paperwork. CLERK Can I please see your driver’s license, Ma’am? SAVANNAH Sure. Savannah pulls out her wallet, rifles through it, and hands her license to the clerk, along with the paperwork. CLERK So we’re expecting 200 dollars from Dana Albertson in North Carolina for Savannah James in Defuniak Springs, Florida? SAVANNAH Yes. Do you need anything else? The clerk types in the information on a computer. CLERK Alright, and that’s all I need. Let’s get this check cashed for you, ma’am. She prints of the forms and check and hands Savannah a pen. SAVANNAH Ever wonder why they say the pen is mightier than the sword? I guess it must be for instances like this. Savannah chuckles softly. CLERK I reckon so, honey. Can’t really tell you either way. SAVANNAH I suppose not, but thank you for listening. Savannah signs the paperwork and check. The clerk counts her money back out to her. CLERK Alright we have twenty, forty, sixty, eighty, a hundred and twenty, forty, sixty, eighty, two hundred dollars even. She hands Savannah the receipt and smiles with a nod. SAVANNAH Looks like all is well that ends well, ma’am. Thank you again. Savannah takes the receipt and her money and places it in her wallet and exits the store. EXT. CITY HALL/UTILITY BOARD - AFTERNOON Savannah enters and waits in line for her turn. CASHIER, 62, salt and pepper hair, looks mean. CASHIER Can I help you? Savannah hands her the bill. SAVANNAH Yes, I need to pay my bill. My husband already paid fifty dollars towards it this morning. I’d like to pay the other 110.00. The cashier types in info on her computer. She looks at Savannah. CASHIER No payment was made this morning. SAVANNAH What?! I know he paid fifty dollars this morning! That’s a lie! Savannah is upset. CASHIER He paid no such thing, and I don’t have to put up with your attitude. SAVANNAH Now, listen here, it’s a matter of public record that your company has come under investigation for embezzlement. I’m sick and tired of you trying to double, and triple charge my family when my husband is a disabled veteran that grew up in this town! Is this how you treat your homegrown vets? CASHIER I didn’t steal any money, and that is defamation of character! The Cashier stares smugly at Savannah. SAVANNAH Lady, if you want to sue me for Defamation of Character, go right ahead! I’ll counter sue you for thievery! Cashier narrows her eyes at Savannah like daggers. SAVANNAH (CONT’D) Let’s just get this bill paid so that I can get out of here. The Cashier glares at Savannah as she hands over the cash. THE END.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 20:36:23 +0000

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