#BLOG We don’t realize what we have until someone takes it - TopicsExpress


#BLOG We don’t realize what we have until someone takes it away from us, we suddenly then can’t live without it and we want it back desperately, when while it was ours we hardly paid any attention to it . Does this ring a bell to you?? Its 8 in the morning .I have to attend my class at 10. It takes almost an hour to reach the university .I woke up late today. Yess!! 8 am is pretty late compared to my daily routine. I am an early bird who wakes up by 6 in the morning and is almost ready to leave the house by 8. But I had been so caught up watching “off the map a television series about doctors who work in a small clinic in Lima, Peru to help the local people as the medical facilities are not really up to the mark there. Anyways I was so engrossed in it that I hardly realized that it was almost 3 by the time I went to bed and partly because of that here I am curled up in my bed having a terrible pain on the lower right side of the stomach. Dad comes to wake me up asking “when do u have to leave for the class? “Dad wake me up after half an hour, I need to leave at 9. I will manage and I fall asleep again. “Get up! Its 8:30! I hear him say, when it just felt like as if only 5 minutes had passed. I feel the pain again, it’s just getting worse. “I am having a stomach ache plus I slept late last night, I will miss the class. It’s ok. I will go directly for my language class at 2 and pleeeaaassse close the door when you leave. I fall asleep once again .God knows what’s worse - the heavy head filled with sleep or the aching stomach filled with pain. But one thing is for sure, long sleep and a good laugh are the best medicines for every problem. No matter how much I was in pain, for the intervals when I was asleep, I was at peace. It is only when I wake up, I realize that I am in pain “I have to leave .wake up! I hear a sweeter voice, it’s my mom. While I am still not sure whether I am dreaming or is this real. I hear once again “where are your black sandals? Can I wear them? I need to take them to Mumbai with me. Mine are not so comfortable my black sandals?! Even I haven’t worn them once since I bought them .What if they become loose because of mom wearing them? They will be spoiled and they are brand new! “All sorts of shallow thoughts start coming to my mind and I suddenly start to adore my black sandals while I had never really worn them everrrr in the past 5 months that they have been with me. I hardly even remember where exactly I have really kept them. I don’t say anything. She asks again “have you seen those black sandals? Can I take them with me? You won’t need to wear them for the next two weeks right?? “What if I have to? Moreover I really want to wear them badly now, again thoughts come bombarding. I have completely forgotten about the stomach ache or the heavy head, as all my attention has suddenly been drawn to my precious black sandals. I again pretend not to hear anything, pretending to be asleep. I hear the sound of shoe drawer opening. My heart beats faster and I feel like getting up and saying that I need my shoes. I can’t give those to you. But I don’t want to sound rude. She is my mother after all. How come small pieces of leather and shiny material become so important than my own mother?! So I continued pretending to be sleeping. “I am taking your sandals o.k.! and wake up now!” I hear a somewhat more affirmative voice. “She has found them and she is taking them! They are brand new! I just hope she doesn’t make them loose for me to wear as she has wide feet “once again, thoughts like these come all at once .I try harder to sleep hoping that she did not take them. “Wake up now it’s almost 11 and I have to leave for Mumbai she says in a slightly louder voice. Now I am forced to get up. I wake up half heartedly, a little sad or rather disappointed as I have just lost my so called treasured black sandals, for two weeks. As I open my eyes, I see my mom all decked up with hair nicely made, wearing a black and orange long top with a black jeans and to make it even better supporting an amazing orange cardigan with it “How do I look ? Is this ok? ”, she asks. I surprisingly have a smile on my face and I didn’t realize when I started smiling. Maybe it was her smile that reached to my heart as it did to her eyes and made them sparkle like diamonds. But whatever it was, I just know that suddenly I was smiling and feeling something that I will like to call happiness. You are looking super I say rubbing my eyes and with a constant smile on my face. How are the sandals? They go with the dress no? ”, she asks. My attention is drawn to THE BLACK SANDALS which otherwise I hardly noticed earlier. I take a look and them. They don’t seem to hold any value to me now, strange!! All of the thoughts that earlier seemed to control my emotions now seemed too stupid. At once I realize what I had been doing was to mistaken pleasure for happiness. Things and possessions can never give you happiness. All they do is make u feel a dilution that is quite close to happiness – pleasure. It is not real as it is aroused in our mind not in the heart and goes away as soon as mind seem to loose its logic or gets bored by a particular thing. My so called precious black sandals did nothing but gave me pleasure .Even though I never valued them earlier as soon as they were in demand, they became valuable to the mind logic by shear economics and I wanted them more now By- Kanika Sharma
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:20:11 +0000

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