BORN ON THE STREET TO A MOTHER SO DESPERATELY ILL SHE COULDN’T CARE FOR US… WE WERE NEVER GOING TO SURVIVE… We are Veni and Vidi and we arrived at Soi Dog with our mother Vita. We were only a few weeks old and our entire little family was seriously ill. Our mother was destroyed by various skin conditions and had lost all of her fur. We were only a few weeks old when we started to develop the same problems. Our mother fought every day to care for us but she was so sick she struggled to produce enough milk to feed us. We got weaker every day. We were all in serious trouble. Everything turned around for us when we arrived at the Soi Dog shelter. We were all started on treatment for our skin ailments. Our mother was given access to food and water and a quiet space where she could care for us. Today, we are a different family. Our mother is so much healthier and happier; her fur is growing back every day. We, her babies, are two fluffy bundles of health. We are fed and we are cuddled. We are safe. We are alive. None of this would have happened without the Soi Dog supporters who joined the Emergency Response Team. They learnt about suffering dogs like us and they signed up to help. By this simple action, they saved our lives. Can YOU do the same? We are not the only family to have suffered this way; there are so many others on the brink of death, just as we were. YOU can put an end to their misery. YOU can save their lives. Please join the Emergency Response Team today. All you have to do is click on our picture to get started.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 07:00:01 +0000

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