BOTSWANA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY ORDER PAPER FOR FRIDAY 25TH JULY, 2014 MINISTERS’ QUESTION TIME 1. Acting Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture THEME: CONSTITUENCY TOURNAMENTS (Mr. D. Saleshando, MP. – Gaborone Central) 2. Minister of Health THEME: MANAGEMENT OF MALARIA AND ITS OUTBREAKS IN THE COUNTRY ESPECIALLY IN THE NORTH WEST REGION (Dr. H. N. Hobona, MP. – Francistown West) 3. Minister of Agriculture THEME: CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT POLICY ON CATTLE INFECTED BY CONTAGIOUS AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES. (Mr. T. G. Habano, MP. - Ngamiland) NOTICE OF MOTIONS AND ORDERS OF THE DAY MOTIONS 1. RESCISION OF THE DECISION TO STOP HUNTING “That this Honourable House requests Government to rescind the decision to stop hunting as of January 2014 pending further consultation with relevant stakeholders.” (Mr. B. Arone, MP. – Okavango)(Resumed Debate) BROADCASTING OF NEWS IN OTHER LANGUAGES BY 2. RADIO BOTSWANA AND BOTSWANA TELEVISION “That this Honourable House resolves that Radio Botswana and Botswana Television make necessary arrangements to broadcast news in other languages, as part of affirmative action, with effect from January 2015.” (Mr. G. Saleshando, MP. – Selebi Phikwe West)(Resumed Debate) 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE LAND AUDIT “That this Honourable House resolves that there be a comprehensive land audit to establish the factors that have led to demand outstripping supply in most urban centres and also establish land ownership patterns in Botswana.” (Mr. D. Saleshando, MP. – Gaborone Central) 4. INCREMENT OF THE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FUND CEILING “That this Honourable House requests Government to increase the ceiling of the Youth Development Fund for Youth Cooperatives.” (Mr. D. P. Makgalemele, MP. – Shoshong) 5. SETTING UP OF A NATIONAL COMMISSION ON EDUCATION “That this Honourable House resolves that a National Commission on Education be set up to develop policy guidelines and new strategies for the country’s future educational development.” (Mr. D. Saleshando, MP. – Gaborone Central) 6. UPGRADING OF THE LETSHOLATHEBE II HOSPITAL “That this Honourable House resolves that Letsholathebe II Hospital be upgraded to the level of a specialist referral hospital.” (Mr. G. Saleshando, MP. – Selebi Phikwe West) 7. REVIEW OF THE CONSTITUTION OF BOTSWANA “That this Honourable House resolves to review the Constitution of the Republic of Botswana.” (Mr. G. Saleshando, MP. – Selebi Phikwe West) 8. GOVERNMENT TO PAY ALL COSTS RELATED TO SERVICING OF LAND “That this Honourable House requests Government to pay all costs related to the servicing of land so that the role of Botswana Housing Corporation is limited to the construction of houses only, thereby enabling the Corporation to achieve its core mandate of delivering affordable accommodation to average citizens.” (Mr. F. M. M. Molao, MP. – Tonota North) 9. FEASIBILITY STUDY TO ESTABLISH SITTING ALLOWANCE FOR PARENTS TEACHERS ASSOCIATIONS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS “That this Honourable House requests Government to undertake a feasibility study on the possibilities of introducing sitting allowances in public schools for Parents Teachers Associations.” (Mr. D. P. Makgalemele, MP. – Shoshong) 10. SIGNING AND RATIFICATION OF THE SADC GENDER PROTOCOL “That this Honourable House requests Government to sign and ratify the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Gender and Development.” (Dr. H. N. Hobona, MP. – Francistown West) 11. COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY TO INVESTIGATE ALLEGATIONS OF CORRUPTION AT THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT “That this Honourable House requests Government to set up a commission of enquiry to investigate allegations of corruption in the Department of Tertiary Education Financing at the Ministry of Education and Skills Development.” (Mr. W. B. Mmolotsi, MP. – Francistown South) 12. UPGRADING OF THE LEVEL OF TSWANA MEDIUM SCHOOLS “That this Honourable House requests Government to upgrade the level of Tswana Medium Schools to that of English Medium Schools.” (Mr. D. P. Makgalemele, MP. – Shoshong) 13. CHANGES TO LEGISLATION THAT BARS ALLOCATION OF PLOTS TO BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED APPLICANTS “That this Honourable House requests Government to effect changes to all pieces of legislation that bar the allocation of plots to beneficiaries of deceased applicants so that such plots accrue to the estate of the deceased.” (Mr. W. B. Mmolotsi, MP. – Francistown South) 14. SPECIAL TASK FORCE TEAM TO DEVELOP COMPLEMENTARY STRATEGIES “That this Honourable House requests Government to form a special task force team comprising the private sector, academia and politicians to develop complementary strategies on the following:- (i) broadening Government revenue streams; (ii) refined but secure ways of investing Botswana’s reserves; and (iii) self-liquidating projects left out during the National Development Plan 10 Mid Term Review.” (Mr. D. P. Makgalemele, MP. – Shoshong)
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 07:53:19 +0000

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