BOYS PAY ATTENTION OF THIS REAL FACTS! THIS IS TRUE :) When she no longer loves you I received a very strange question on today How do I know if she still loves me? and How to make my girlfriend fall even more deeply in love with me? I cannot teach you how to make your girlfriend love you even more but I can tell you things to avoid. I dont know you or your gf. So in my post I shall share based on my friends experiences to tell you how women generally behave. How to tell if she is no longer in love with you? Women lose interest in stages. They dont wake up one morning and decide they dont love you anymore. If you want to have the upper hand and act to repair things before you get dumped, then you must be intuitive and alert to signs. Most of the time, she herself is unaware that she is losing interest. The best way to tell is inconsistencies in the womans behavior. When a woman is inconsistent in how she behaves , it means her Interest Level is dropping caused by decrease in interest. Here are some signs Her messages/calls get shorter and less consistent. Women by nature LOVE to COMMUNICATE. Even if they are angry with you, they will communicate with you by saying I am angry and dont feel like talking and keep repeating it. If they stop communicating or communicate a lot less, it is a sign. She no longer feels jealous She no longer minds when you dont spend time with her and pretends it is being understanding. (Women can be very manipulative when it comes to making themselves look like the good person) She is suddenly very busy. This is a fact of life. A person can be very very very busy but they will always make time for people they care about. She stops sharing deeper and personal stuff about herself. Tries to keep things casual She doesnt get mad at you for things she used to She may stop saying I love you She may revert to her old ways slowly. For instance if she quit smoking because of you, she might start smoking again etc Ask strange questions --- What if one day an alien catch me and I am no longer in this earth They will avoid explaining to you things directly Things to avoid if you want her to stay in love with you 1) Play games I see that some websites ask men to play hard-to-get with women such as not initiating texts, calls or any other kind of nonsense. Perhaps they do work in the dating phase but not in the relationship phase. If a guy plays games in the relationship phase, they are being seen as inconsistent and immature. This will scare women who want stability and long term commitment. This is why I urge men to not read western relationship guides because they are not very applicable to Asian contexts. 2) Tell her she is not good enough One of the most primary basic needs of a woman in a relationship is appreciation. If you stop delivering that, she will find someone else who can. When you tell her she doesnt meet your expectations initially, you get the upper hand. Every girl who loves someone wants to be his ideal woman. The girl will start being desperate. She will cry, ask you how she can change and improve, she will get emotional. Then somewhere along the road, she will experience the lightbulb moment. 3) Have a so-called female bestfriend who you tell everything to much more than her You really have to stop this. Women consider it emotional cheating. An emotional affair is an affair which excludes physical intimacy but includes emotional intimacy. It may begin innocently as a friendship. It may also be called an affair of the heart. Another example of emotional cheating that is becoming more common is that of online cheating. A man may find that he is logging on more and more to talk to a specific person. He may feel more drawn to talking to this person than he is to the woman he is currently seeing. The situation is more hurtful to a woman when her partner finds someone else whose personality he enjoys more. She often sees this as a sign that she no longer is interesting to him and that she is not fulfilling his emotional needs. She will lose interest if you have her, you dont need me already 4) Making her feel used You give the vibe - I dont really see you as a long term thing. I am just keeping you around until I find someone better or my quality of life improve. That is when I dont need you anymore Women are very intuitive. They will know when you are behaving like that or see her as a short term thing. They might do the same thing. For instance, keep you around but look for someone better behind your back so that they can jump ship before you do. 5) Behaving like her ex Every woman left their ex bf for a reason. It could be because he wasnt good with emotions, he never loved her for her, was too controlling etc. If she likes you now, probably because you gave her things she could not give. So in a sense, she feels like she is upgrading. (women can be very pragmatic) However, when you become like him, there is no longer any motivation to stay. 6) Being unfair Equity theory proposes that individuals who perceive themselves as either under-rewarded will experience distress, and that this distress leads to efforts to restore equity within the relationship. Women want their efforts to lead to greater outcomes. Maximizing outcomes means reducing cost and increasing rewards. If a girl cuts back on what she gives, it is a sign that she might be trying to make things more equitable as she is not receiving as much as she is giving. Women are a lot less direct than men and they are non-confrontational. They want to minimize hurt. If they want to break up, they can give a lot of nonsense reasons to make it not seem like your fault (but most of the time it is). For instance if I want to end a relationship, I plan it in advance, put it at a good time where the guy is not going to be stressed and have plenty of free time. My excuses are plentiful. When i was younger and immature, I used religion oh my church say this lah (omg feel so bad for this) or parents My parents dont allow me to be in a relationship or studies My grades are dropping. I need to concentrate on my studies or friends My friends say... I will also give a very flowery speech. You are so special and so great. The times we had are irreplaceable. You are really a nice guy and awesome one ..... but it is me, I am not ready or good enough etc. Or, I will just pretend the guy doesnt exist and just stop replying. To save things, you need to TAKE CONTROL by identifying the early warning signs. At this time, your partner probably doesnt know you are losing interest so you simply have to put more love and effort. Plan more dates, buy her gifts, go out of the way to show her you care. A relationship is mended with love, not playing games. The best reference is sometimes television. Women tend to fall in love with men on screen such as those Korean drama guys, Taiwan drama guys, Edward Cullen, Jacob etc. If you look at all of them, they all have one thing in common. They give the girl a lot and make her feel super special. For this reason, women get taken away easily when the relationship gets dull and routine and she feels unappreciated. I will give a hypothetical situation. A woman cooks for her partner daily, dresses up, cleans the dishes, massages him, does housework and buys groceries. However, if there is no appreciation like for instance, the guy tells her she is not up to his expectations of an ideal woman, would rather watch TV than spend time, doesnt do anything special/romantic or criticizes her constantly. She will get upset. Suddenly, another guy shows up. He makes her feel beautiful, attractive, feminine, gorgeous, the most amazing thing that exists in the planet and gives her so much appreciation and empathy. He goes out all the way to impress her and plans romantic dates. He tells the woman He is too caught up in his own life. He should appreciate you more. You deserve better. You can safely bet. She will sleep with this new guy or leave her partner. In such a case, whose fault is it really?
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:11:47 +0000

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