***BREAKING BRANCH NEWS - Krista and I are EXPECTING! (keep - TopicsExpress


***BREAKING BRANCH NEWS - Krista and I are EXPECTING! (keep reading) When we look at the steps we’ve taken in our lives in contrast to the plans we’ve made, it rarely makes sense. I heard this communicated in a sermon recently a few different ways. “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Wise words spoken by the great philosopher Mike Tyson. In an adaptation of Robert Burns’ poem “To a mouse” it was said like this, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” Burns was plowing a field and stopped suddenly as he realized he had overturned a nest of mice. He leaned against his dirty plow and jotted down his poem, an apology for mans dominion upsetting the work they had put into building, planning and preparing their peaceful home underground. The Bible says it like this in Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. In the last several years our little branch of the family has been so blessed to have gone on an exciting adventure. The Lord has done, and continues to do significant works in each of us as He has directed us along our path.. Krista could tell of how He has drawn her into a more intimate relationship with Him and has deepened her passion for loving and serving people. I am SO proud of that woman and her openness to hear Gods voice. He is working in her in a way that I havent seen since we met so many years ago. Its so exciting to be a part of Gods story in her life. I know youve all been in a time when you werent sure what the next steps were. In that situation I did what anyone would do, I made plans. What are we to do when that still small voice is calling us, but it doesnt make sense? What do we do when His hand is guiding but its leading down a path different than the one we have chosen? What are we to do when we are comfortable amongst our things, our friends and our family, but a new star beckons us on a journey to search for the King of Kings? We can contemplate and worry about what everyone will think of us. We can make excuses for why it doesnt make sense. We can argue that we are not worthy or good enough to do what He has called us to do.... but if we are WISE, we will follow. When God calls us to serve, to love, to sacrifice, to GO... our only response should be to GO regardless of how foolish we look, what others may think, or what it may cost us. To the rich young ruler Jesus said, “One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” When a man asked Jesus if he could bury His father before he followed Him, Jesus replied, Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God. In Luke 14:26 when large crowds gathered together to hear Jesus teach, the first words He spoke were these, If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, and even his own life--he cannot be My disciple. 27 And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. The conclusion? Drop your fishing nets and follow. Picking up a cross to follow Jesus is no easy thing but when you put your full faith and trust in God for everything you need, allowing yourself to hear the leading of the Holy Spirit and are driven by a passion and a hunger for people who are desperate to be shown the love of Jesus... the cost can be great but the rewards are eternal! I can honestly say that being in a place of complete and total trust in God for everything is the most beautiful place we can possibly be. Recently WE got punched in the face, OUR plans were turned upside down, a new star appeared for US to follow. It was obvious that God began to fling open doors that we hadnt been trying to open ourselves. Several things happened to Krista and I both that led us to pray about planting a Church. This is not a new idea mind you, its been something I have felt called to do from the time I was a child. One little confirmation after another followed by some major revelations in our relationship with God and in our marriage. God’s hand was nudging us in that direction. Our only option is to step out in faith and answer the call that we have both felt called to do from the time we were kids. Love people, serve them, be a light that leads them to Jesus. So, with that said... Our family is answering Gods call to plant a Church in Sulphur Springs, Texas called, Brightstar Church. It is a unique vision to partner with many other fine Churches in the area, as an extension of the work God is already doing there. In the 1840s the town was founded under the name of Bright Star, Texas. However, in 1871, it was decided to rename the town Sulphur Springs and market the area as a health resort due to the healing waters that flowed beneath the surface of the Northeast Texas soil. Krista and I are currently researching organizations that partner with pioneer churches to help them get established in the first few years. One thing is for certain, this is something we wont do alone. There are already a handful of wonderful Godly people in the area who have committed to pray and help in any way they can. There are many who wont be able to be a part of the local work in Sulphur Springs, but have pledged their support and offered to help Brightstar Church in any way. Though we are in the beginning stages, Krista and I believe there are those of you who the Lord may call to be a part of this adventure. Even now we are praying for the right folks to lead a stellar kids ministry, and someone who feels called to impact the lives of students in the area. Men and women who are called to something more, who step out in faith to be a part of something remarkable that will touch the lives of so many and compel them to follow the light of Christ. His Word promises that whom He calls, He equips. We arent praying for perfect people. We are praying for people who are moving in the right direction, toward a star, seeking the Savior. We will be forming a team of people that will spend six months to a year planning and preparing to launch with a full team of volunteers and staff in early 2016. We will open the doors and start services full speed ahead, ready to reach anyone and everyone who walks through the doors, but with a determination to fiercely serve the community outside the church walls. In the next year I will work in Sulphur Springs to support our family. A local TV station has asked me to help them raise their standards by upgrading their production equipment and facilities. In exchange, they have offered me air time which I will use to produce local shows that will benefit the community and allow us to share our vision for Brightstar Church. I have a full ride scholarship available and will be attending Bible College one night a week in Dallas, Texas to continue my education. Krista will be working to complete her album with a target date release on the five year anniversary of her I Am America video release. We are EXPECTING God to do what He said He would do. We are EXPECTING God to call those meant to be a support as we do everything we can to be the hands and feet of Jesus. If you feel drawn to be a part of this, a punch in the face, or your plans being turned upside down, we welcome you to be a part of Gods story in Sulphur Springs Texas. While you make your plans remember Psalm 37:23, A mans steps are established by the LORD, and He takes pleasure in his way. So, to all of our dear friends and family, we sincerely ask for your prayer and for your support. Feel free to comment below or share this news with anyone you think may have an interest. If you have questions, dont hesitate to message me. We love you all! His kids, The Branch Family
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:04:38 +0000

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