BREAKING NEWS For Reversing High Court Order... President Koroma - TopicsExpress


BREAKING NEWS For Reversing High Court Order... President Koroma Faces Condemnation. Sierra Leones President, H.E. Ernest Bai Koroma is going through serious public condemnations for allegedly reversing a High Court Order in the matter between China Friendship Society as Plaintiff and Ibrahim Kamara(Chairman of King Harman Road Wash Car) as Defendant. This accusation came in the heels of the recent refusal by the Sierra Leone police to enforce a High Court ruling, ordering the forceful eviction of members of the King Harman Road Wash Car who are illegally occupying the land known to belong to the China Friendship Society. Speaking to the Chairman of the King Harman Road Wash Car, Ibrahim Kamara aka Senior Driver, he confirmed that they lost the High Court case while stressing that they were brutally evicted by bailiffs and some personnel from the Operational Support Division(OSD). He went further to explain that the later regroup and went to State House where they were denied entrance. He said: As a peaceful organisation, we went to State Lodge the following day with placards in our hands. We patiently waited until we saw President Koromas convoy where we rushed to attract his attention. As a kind President, he lowered his speed and called us to know the purpose of our visits. We presented the case and he promptly asked us to rerurn peacefully to reoccupy the place given to us by him. Senior Driver said they had no power after being overpowered by some alleged gangs claimed to have come from the Law Courts. When asked why they decided to storm the premises of China House and vandalised it newly built fence and other properties, he said the fence was illegal as long as they have been mandated by President Koroma to occupy the said land. He revealed that they intend to build public toilet in the said land to raise revenue for their organisation-One Family. He also disclosed that President Koroma later reaffirmed his instruction by sending his ADC to know whether they have occupied the land or not, claiming that the ADC told them to continue occupying the said place as nobody will overturned the decision of President Koroma. According to Street Ambassador who claimed to lead the team to see President Koroma, the land has been given to them by President Koroma to be used as a car wash and other revenue generation purposes. The question now on the lips of many Sierra Leaneans is whether the act does not constitute a contempt of court? Abu Aiah Tarawally, Acting National Coordinator Campaign for Peace and Development questioned, does President Koroma has such authority to forcibly grab private property and give them away with impunity? He said President has severally warned that the Police must stop taken instructions from above when in fact he is the above. He said President Koroma is a credible and passionate President who cares for every Sierra Leonean, noting that the High Court decision must be sacrosanct. He appealed to President Koroma to allow justice to prevail in this matter and stop meddling into the activities of the judiciary. Nonetheless, the matter presided over by Justice A.S. Fofanah in the Land and Property Division ruled and ordered as follows: 1. That leave be granted to the Plaintiff/Applicant herein to issue a Writ of Possession against the Defendant/Respondent for all that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at No. 11B Old Railway Line Brookfields, Freetown, in the Western Area of the Republic of S/Leone pursuant to Order 46 Rule 3 of the High Court Order Rules 2007. 2. That this Honourable Court do grant leave to the Plaintiff/Applicant herein to issue a Writ of Assistance to forcefully evict the Defendant/Respondent herein in a bid to execute the Judgement of Mr. Justice A.S.Fofanah J. dated the 30th day of July,2014 pursuant to Order 47 Rule 3 of the High Court Rules 2007. 3. Any further or Order(s) that this Honourable Court may deem fit and just in the circumstances. 4. Cost. This is the Pen of the Voiceless Sierra Leoneans. Note: Media Center For Governance Reform will bring you detailed and surprising information from the State House Communication Unit and the OSD Department on this matter. Follow us on Twitter and academia Elkass Sannoh 2015 superilsannoh5@gmail
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:06:38 +0000

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