BREAKING NEWS THIS WEEK AN EXTREME RIGHT WING POLITICAL PARTY IS DELIBERATELY BEING CREATED IN DENMARK BY USING THE MEDIA TO LAUNCH AND MARKET THEM SO THAT THEY CAN ACHIEVE GROWTH. The name of the party is Danish Samling (Danish Unity) herinafter referred to as DS. Like all other facebook activists they have failed completely to achieve growth and media attention and so far only have a mere 200 supporters. Everyone knows by now, that the goal of the about 500 richest corporations on earth is to take over ownership of all the resources of the planet, including the human resources. We also all know already, that once the masses start to admit to themselves what is happening, the military force will be required to protect the elite from the angry mob. Not only is the military force required to protect the elite, but it is also a requirement that the mob become angry, otherwise the populations will refuse to accept using the military for their protection. Thus, civil strife is an essential factor to achieve in peaceful nations such as Denmark where every FEAR TACTIC and every strategy to turn one race on another, has failed to BEAR FRUIT. Only a couple of days ago, I noticed the media talking about a question they have asked the public. Is there a NEED for a right wing political party even more right wing that Danish (extreme right wing) political party DANSK FOLKEPARTI, herinafter referred to as DF. Naturally, I was horrified !!! To me, it is immediately evident that posing such a question completely out of the blue, can only be with the DESIRE AND INTENT to create such a party. I mentioned this in my FaceBook. Today, well yesterday, on PRIME TIME in one of the most popular political debate shows, DEADLINE - guess what the topic is !!! Exactly as predicted, the new political party DS is presented to the Danish audience. Usually, in such a debate, the persons invited have opposing points of view. However, noteworthy on this occasion, the two other other persons in the debate are both more or less fully in agreement on key topics, specifically RACIAL DIFFERENCES and GENETICS. The PRIEST and author, SØRINE GOTFREDSEN eagerly nodding her head when this topic is presented by DS, as being very likely scientific evidence based on extensive research. Two of the speakers, the priest and the Lecturer for State Knowledge, SDU, Søren Hviid Peders, both agree on the importance of the country being christian. Well, everyone knows that the majority of Danes are anything but practising christians! No matter, that seems to me the least of the problems, merely another tool for their future proposed strategy. What worries me the most, is that this same prime time programme had interviewed the much hated Pia Kjærsgaard, former leader of DF who explained when ASKED whether their ever growing party will enter into government, that they were not ready yet. She underlined this on several occassions in a manner that indicated they are definately going to get there! I fear that DS is deliberately being promoted to enable DF to be considered main stream. DF has never and will never be mainstream !!!! Over the years they have proved unrelentingly their hatred towards all foreigners from non western nations, including gypseys, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, even GREENLAND, a country of the DANISH commonwealth !!!! This week DF has also confirmed that they no longer accept any members in their party that are not purely ethnic Danes. Even other Scandinavians and Europeans are not included. But it seem the media and their PUPPET MASTERS have decided that Denmark NEEEEEEEEEEEEDS a political party even more right wing. In my opinion, this need is to enable more explosive episodes to accomplish the implementation of military rule into the country. DS only has 200 members !!! LESS THAN MANY OTHER FACEBOOK GROUPS !!! Yet, suddenly, KEY QUESTIONS posed in a very SPECIFIC MANNER INDEED - on PRIME TIME TV - with NO COMPETING OPINIONS !!! Danish political parties are entitled to receive up to kr. 20.000 from any contributor without having to enlighten the authorities where the funds are from. In this manner, each party is able to receive UNLIMITED FUNDS. Clearly some politically MOTIVATED funds are being fed to ensure the launch and growth of this political party, DS. THIS IS NOT MY OPINION OF HOW A DEMOCRACY SHOULD WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see others future political candidates also being promoted on TV. So far, not one of these with a clean slate. Each of them with highly dubious events involving manipulation with funds. Everyone knows, the people will vote for the faces they recognize. The people will believe what they are told to believe. The PUPPET MASTERS only use racial strife, religion, extreme poverty as some of their many tools to achieve their goals. The populations obediently hate whoever they are told to. Believe whatever they are told. If told on prime time tv then - the population believe - despite much evidence, that it is the truth. However, THIS IS NOT EVEN A STORY ABOUT DENMARK ONLY - in every country, these tools are deliberately created each TAILORED in their MARKETING STRATEGIES according to the NEEEEEEEEED of the country. Not the need of the populations. They are only human beings. The need is based entirely and exclusively on the decisions made by the corporations, the PERSONS, the STAKE HOLDERS and their puppets - in fact, by the 2500 that are meeting in the luxury resort in Switzerland this week, is my best guess. This week, some 2500 heads of state and CEOs of the wealthies multi-national businesses (ALSO CALLED STAKE HOLDERS) and economists will be meeting in an exclusive ski resort in the Swiss Alps The price per participant is over kr. 250.000 per person. (ultimately funded by us, of course)! This week ECB European Central Bank promised to pay 2800 billion EURO to member countries over the next 18 months. In Switzerland, they will be deciding exactly which PERSONS will be receiving these funds. A PERSON is not a human being, according to the new modern human rights terminology but a CORPORATION. A Corporation is not just any business either. A corporation is a giant multi national business. According to UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS, these PERSONS have HUMAN RIGHTS such as the right to make a profit and also, the right to sue any government that prevents them from achieving a profit - even if this is destructive for the health and well being of the human beings. All this is agreed by nearly every nation on earth - including YOUR nation - in the very much OCCULT #TTIP TRADE AGREEMENTS - too holy and secret for ordinary human beings and even ordinary politicians to know. Purely a NEED TO KNOW insight. Why are international trade agreements between nations secret - shouldnt the populations be entitled to know what their governments are deciding ??? Yes, the answer is knowledge is hidden because the populations would not accept the terms. When the EU nations realise the ECB loan is merely to entice them to hand over the ownership of their soverign nation in exchange for DEBT and that these debts will be called in regardless of how many of the population become homeless after the next PLANNED BUBBLE - then ... then DS needs to be ready and active and functioning effectively because DEVIDE AND RULE strategy is a key tool to maintain control of the populations whilst they convert their colonies (all the nations on earth) into their fully, exclusively owned resources. The populations are not needed by the corporations, royals, elite. They have declared their intention to maintain the human being level on earth at 500.000.000. The rest of us, to be used as their own personal HERD culled and utilized as needed, for medical experimentation, weapon experiments. Whatever. This article in Danish is titled THE ELITE CLOBBER TEAM and describes how the Danish army and intelligence are training soldiers to tackle civil unrest. Not for the protection of the populations. The protection is for the 1%. In my opinion there are some key ways to combat these happenings. 1. ACKNOWLEDGE you are being manipulated. 2. REFUSE to be tempted into hate by their devide and rule strategy. These are all manipulations!!! TRICKS. CON JOBS !!! 3. DEMAND that your countries incorporate the UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS OF 1948 into the law, SUPREME to all other laws and without any exceptions or conditions. These are rights for HUMAN beings, not for persons. 4. DEMAND that all and every RIGHT TO SECRECY by every authority of any and every kind whatsoever is totally transparent. 5. All human beings to be treated equally by law - NO MORE IMMUNITY. Good luck with that ! :)
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:54:40 +0000

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