BREAKING THE CHAIN THAT TIES YOU TO YOUR PAST RELATIONSHIP. As we all know, it is not every relationship that ends in marriage. If somewhere along the line and it happens that the relationship gives much pain than joy and the signs of incompatibilitybecomes very obvious, if one decides to end it all......... Break-up and have a life. Most times, it is accompanied by grief, temporary loose of memory, getting drunk, running away, quitting your job etc.. One thing is sure; you cannot remain in that situation so, your life must go on. When your relationship is not healthy, it kills faster than poison. You dont have to stick to a dead relationship in the name of Let me manage. Here are few things, you can do to break the chains tying you to your past. *Accept that it is gone-- always recognize when your relationship is dead and when no amount of work can resuscitate the dead; all you do is to sign the death certificate. It does not mean that you are dead too rather, it means you are saving your strength for the things that worth your time. *Forgive-- when the door of forgiveness in your heart is left open, it steals your Joy. That someone broke your heart does not mean that something good cannot happen in your life again. *Be happy-- engage yourself in doing things that makes you happy and do it much better. Your happiness should not solely depend on what people can do. Dont forget that sadness and bitterness can only give sour taste to your freedom and joy. Always believe that the best is yet to come. *Put-up a healthy self esteem-- look! I want you to know that you are a priceless jewel of inestimable value. Let your self esteem affect the way you interact with people, the way you walk and sit and ask yourself how you feel about yourself. Encourage yourself even when no one does so. Be yourself and dont compare yourself with others. *Overcome fear-- F.E.A.R means false evidence appearing real. What are your fears? Is it that you cannot get what you want or that you may lose what you already have? With God, all things are possible. Make God all that you have and everything will work together for your own good. Always please God and put Him alone first in all that you do. Smile because you are not written off. P E A C E.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 20:41:47 +0000

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