BREAKING: The New York Daily News just revealed At least seven - TopicsExpress


BREAKING: The New York Daily News just revealed At least seven companies that received a total of $15.25 million in grants from state Regional Economic Development Councils are linked to $1.25 million in donations to Cuomo’s campaign treasury since 2010. How would you like a Democratic president who accepted $87,000 from the Koch Brothers -- and refused to give it back when called on it? That could happen. Andrew Cuomos presidential ambitions are far from secret. And the New York Post reports that he took -- and kept even when pressed -- $87,000 from the Koch Brothers in the last election cycle. Progressives need to head this off at the pass. And we can. Cuomos own campaign officials have told the New York Post he would suffer considerable national political damage from a strong showing by progressive Zephyr Teachout in next weeks Democratic primary. Youve signed up to make calls for progressive candidates in the past, and we really need your help in this final weekend. Will you join others across the nation in making calls from home for Teachout-Wu in the final week of this primary? Also, will you donate $3 to help them launch a huge Get Out The Vote effort in New York? A recent profile of Cuomo by Vox laid out the risk he poses for progressives: VOX: [Cuomo] cut the estate tax, repealed the states bank tax, capped local property taxes, and reduced an existing tax on millionaires. Hes stymied [Mayor] de Blasios attempts to raise New York Citys taxes on the rich and to increase the citys minimum wage. And hes consistently been skeptical about the value of government spending, and proven willing to cut billions from health and education. Hes adopted the philosophical and political posture that the problem with government is overtaxing and overspending, former assemblyman Richard Brodsky tells me. How is that different from a Tea Party conservative? In contrast, the New York Times wrote this about Zephyr Teachout last week: The New York Times: Zephyr Teachout [is] a professor at Fordham Law School who is a national expert on political corruption and an advocate of precisely the kind of transparency and political reform that Albany needs. Her description of Mr. Cuomo as part of a broken system “where public servants just end up serving the wealthy” is exactly on point … [she] brings a refreshing seriousness to the job of cleaning up state government, making a strong case for the urgency of rescuing politics from unchecked corporate power. The path forward for progressives is clear. Making it happen means progressives have to go all-in to support Teachout-Wu in the primary next week. Will you go all-in by signing up to make calls from home for Teachout-Wu in the final week of the primary race and by donating $3 to help them launch a huge Get Out The Vote effort? Thanks for being a bold progressive. -- Keith Rouda, PCCC organizer Want to support our work? Ed Schultz called us The top progressive group in the country! And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in $3 here. Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 04:46:51 +0000

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