BRICS: KILL THE WHITEY My observations on political attitude of - TopicsExpress


BRICS: KILL THE WHITEY My observations on political attitude of various English-speaking groups on Facebook. 1. White Liberals, despite their supposedly Leftist, anti-war and pro-non-white stance, are the most white imperialist group. They sincerely believe that whitey system is the best system, and non-whites who dont submit to it are savages that need to be enlightened by them, White Liberals. Even when they are Marxists, they are the first to denounce non-white Marxist states, often angrily so. How dare these yellow monkeys touch our great teacher Karl Marx with their filthy barbaric hands! They ruined Marxism forever! 2. White Conservatives are mixed bunch. On one hand, they are more morally relativist, and dont aspire to teach non-whites how they should and shouldnt behave. They dont support wars, interventions and other stuff, and often support BRICS and Co, at least on paper. On other hand, they have tendency of being too much focused on some obscure ideologies like Christian fundamentalism, Neo-Paganism, Hitler worship, etc. Worst of all, they have inferiority complex due to their subjugated status and prone to white-knighting - defending their system against non-Western peoples they were supposed to be allied with: good white cops versus bad black rioters in Ferguson, good Nazi Germany versus bad Soviet Russia, etc. And if Nazi Germany was at least pro-white state, so it makes sense for them to root for it (even though its violation of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact cant be defended by any rational National Socialist), same cannot be said about modern West which uses white genocide as a method of white imperialism, i.e. spreading Western domination by downplaying its racial aspect. White Conservatives often deny that, preferring to blame it on The Jew, refusing to face the fact that White Liberals are the true champions of the West. 3. Non-whites are the closest to us in mentality. Despite being technically white, we share the experience of living outside Golden Billion and resisting whitey imperialism. We didnt have our own colonies like whitey did, and didnt do genocide of non-whites. Conquered nations were integrated into our society on favourable terms, so we are multi-cultural by default, like non-white empires of the past. For the same reason we dont have white guilt and dont have racial sensivity, we call Obama a monkey while supporting black rioters in Ferguson. We are racists but not snobs/bigots, the trait which we share with non-white peoples, who root for their tribe and can hate other tribes, but without discriminating on appearance. Conclusion: 1. Non-white nations are the best recruitment material. India, China, Latin America are the best human resource pools. Muslim world is trickier due to Sunni-Shia split, but since we manage to be friends of Iranians, Turks and Kurds at the same time (mutually-hostile groups), its not as hard as it sounds. 2. White Conservatives are the second group. They are alienated by Cultural Marxist regime and therefore are prime target for recruitment. However, theyll bring some weird sectarian ideologies with them, which we must be prepared for. Yes, Mr. Whitey, we approve of you worshipping the icon of St. Ataulf of Berlin, but we dont consider that everything we do must be all about venerable St. Ataulf, with all due respect to Him being The Last Avatar and stuff. 3. White Liberals are the lost cause. They are faking their sympathy to non-whitey (i.e. 95% of planet). They are charming and intelligent, but they consider that everything is OK, and think that everybody else on the planet is the problem. They are to the whitey what Russians are to the rest of the planet, political/intellectual core. White Liberals are the main opponents of BRICS project because it competes with their own project, so trying to court them is futile. They always provide interesting insight, though. Solution (BRICS propaganda formula): 1. Non-whitey aesthetics at the core, in style of Novorussias Motorola and Givi. 2. Hyper-whitey Ork-ized (neo-tribal) aesthetics for Orkish whiteys. 88 as legitimate branch of global jihad. 3. Soft whiteys (Liberals and anti-BRICS 88s) - lost cause. Blake, Patrik, Oscar, Korman, Sia, Tristan, Clare, Singh, Hashi, Leoš, Wei, David, Lance, Thomas, Enrique, Dodd, Dirk
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 12:43:25 +0000

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