#BRINGBACKGOODLUCK2015 CAMPAIGN SLOGAN SPARKS ANGER A campaign slogan coined by the Goodluck Initiative for Transformation, one of the over 8,000 groups reportedly begging President Goodluck Jonathan to seek re-election in 2015, has attracted angry reactions. The hashtag #BringBackJonathan2015 had gone viral on social media while the pictures of the campaign posters and billboards bearing the slogan sprang up in the Federal Capital Territory. GIFT and the sponsors of the campaign came under heavy criticisms on Tuesday, as Nigerians described the move as insensitive. According to them, the use of the #BringBackGoodluck2015 slogan at a time when the Jonathan-led Federal Government had been unable to rescue the over 200 kidnapped Chibok girls is a mockery of the #BringBackOurGirls campaign. Lamenting that the #BringBackGoodluck2015 campaign slogan was a “morally bankrupt adaptation” of the #BringBackOurGirls hashtag, an online commentator, Gbenga Sesan, stated that he was fast losing hope in the Nigerian system. “The morally bankrupt adaptation of the #BringBackOurGirls hashtag, towards the campaign of a President, who has failed at his task, says it all. It is a pity! I thought we had seen the worst of political manipulation and duty indifference,” Sesan wrote on Twitter. A former Governor of Kwara State and senator representing Kwara Central at the National Assembly, DR BUKOLA SARAKI, described the #BringBackJonathan2015 slogan as “distasteful.” “For an administration that has always been insensitive, using the #BringBackGoodluck2015 slogan is not only a mockery of just the abducted Chibok Girls but also the entire people of Nigeria. Have we really descended this low in Nigeria?” SARAKI asked on Twitter. An Abuja-based online activist, Gimba Kakanda, said he had been observing the erection of sundry billboards with the slogan on major roads in the nation’s capital. Having billboards bearing #BringBackGoodluck2015 planted in the city centre, he argued, was an “unpardonable blasphemy” especially when the Chibok girls were still in the custody of their abductors for over four months. “This is an unpardonable blasphbductors for over four months. “This is an unpardonable blasphemy. What have they smoked? Your citizens are in captivity, your soldiers disgraced despite the billions of dollars budgeted for security, yet you have the audacity to seek re-election with the #BringBackGoodluck2015 slogan. “Campaigning to re-elect a man whose leadership allows its citizens to spend over 140 days in captivity is really a grave misuse of wisdom! My fear isn’t just about GEJ winning 2015 election, but the consequences of that tragedy is what baffles me. “Another four years of a clueless administration and Nigeria is finished, with its budgets fraudulently used, ‘unanalysable.’ Is that what we want?” he queried. A Nigerian based in the United Kingdom, Dipo Awojide, expressed shock over the development, noting that there was no justification for the pro-Jonathan campaign group now. Expressing concerns that the President’s political sycophants and jobbers care less about the fate of the abducted girls and that of thousands of Nigerians, who have been rendered homeless by the Boko Haram insurgency, Awojide urged Jonathan to caution his “over-zealous” followers. “Our political sycophants don’t care about the North East. All they want is for GEJ to return in 2015. It is difficult for anyone to proffer a convincing explanation as to why the #BringBackGoodluck2015 hashtag makes any sense. “I have to agree with those who have suggested that the folk around President GEJ wins him more enemies than necessary,” Awojide added. An online commentator based in Johannesburg, South Africa, Barry Roux, said he thought the Nigerian President had been kidnapped when he saw the #BringBackGoodluck2015 online. Labelling the promoters of the slogan as “insensitive dudes,” he noted that the international community would consider the move as not only inconsiderate but also an embarrassment. “The devil is a liar; you didn’t bring back Chibok girls, why should Nigerians bring you back in power? I cannot believe Goodluck Jonathan’s campaign slogan is actually #BringBackGoodluck2015. That slogan is a travesty. “It is as if the President and his folks are basically laughing in the face and pain of the families of those missing girls. From #BringBackOurGirls to #BringBackGoodluck2015 by some insensitive dudes, one can only pray that God should bring back the shame and sense of the promoters urgently. “It is embarrassing for international community to see that banner of #BringBackGoodluck2015. It’s so disappointing that the efforts of #bringbackourgirls are now a mockery of the 148 days of insensitivity to the plight of the Chibok girls.”
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 11:29:16 +0000

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