BRITISH, GERMANY ENVOYS SPEAK TO KASAMBARAS WIFE: Events in Malawi seem to be moving very fast following the arrest of former Justice Minister Ralph Kasambara in the northern region city of Mzuzu earlier on Friday. We are gathering reports that the British High Commissioner to Malawi Michael Nevin and his Germany counterpart Dr Peter Woeste spoke to Mr Kasambaras wife, Maggie within hours of his arrest. The details of their telephone conversations remains sketchy but a close family member disclosed the two envoys were making assurances to Mrs Kasambara that the two countries were monitoring the developments in Malawi with keen interest. Britain and Germany are some of Malawis biggest bilateral partners providing huge sums of money to this southern African country. About 24hrs earlier before Mr Kasambaras arrest, the donor partiners operating under Cabs disclosed they had cut all the financial aid to Malawi following looting in government resources and donor money at the government engine, Capital Hill in Lilongwe. President Joyce Banda and her close associates including her two sons Geoffrey and Roy Kachale are reported to have been at the centre of this financial fiasco that has dirtened Malawis image locally and internationally. Achoke! Achoke! Achoke!!!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 07:34:59 +0000

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