BROTHER SUN, SISTER MOON. Family is funny stuff. You can almost - TopicsExpress


BROTHER SUN, SISTER MOON. Family is funny stuff. You can almost never say what it is. It could be a feeling, it could be blood, it could be dust. What makes us thicker than water. But water with dust makes clay and here we are, a living soul. And that breath of the artist, the creator, that gave us life. In his image. Feeling what he feels, seeing what he sees, able to reflect him from day to day, so he can see himself. That’s what we are. And all around us, family too. Living things breathing the same air as us, pumping the same blood. And having everything else we have too, an innate intelligence and an instinct and intuition that makes us remember things, and know things we could not possibly know without a memory of it existing somewhere inside us that serves to remind us of the beginning. And the green things given us for our food, and the life from which they are raised, and the earth breast, and the seed that is perpetuated from one father to the next through the mother. That’s all family stuff. Then you look up and you see the sky and there you see the sun and there you see the moon and the stars. You see stars bowing down to a star and sheaves of wheat bowing down to a sheaf. And you see brothers asking what makes him more important than me and being jealous of him, meanwhile knowing that every one of us has a place and a purpose and a position and a function. And we all have our part to play. And the moon does not complain, or ask why, for she knows she has power, and she knows she has sway. The blood rises up for her like the oceans, and the earth is pulled to her side like it is pulled by the sun. And she swings around her anchor like it swings around the sun, and they all turn happily together in some kind of cosmic balance where everything is worked out to a fine degree and no one of them is lost, or left to fly off from the path. And they find a harmony, and a balance, and a cycle in each other, and next thing you have days and weeks and months and years. And the universe keeps turning. St Francis of Asissi, he was a poor man. But he was not born poor. Born to the riches of this world he forsook the world and chose rather creation. And he saw in every living thing a brother and a sister and in the earth a mother. And the sun to him was a brother and the moon to him was a sister. And the birds too were his play fellows. And he saw in his humanity a god that saw all things and gave them names. And respected each one for what he was and what she was. And he was happy. And he saw that it was good. Now my brother here is gone, but he has left a son, and the son to me is a sun and the sister to me is a moon and the mother to me is my sister too, and we are one. And we are family still, us three, us four, us uncountable trillions. For the stars up above they tell us still, that we shall be as they are for descendants and every one looks down on us still like the fathers that went on before us. And we are all family still, and always will be. And sunshine kid there, and moonchild shadow, and mother earth, wind and water and fire and ice, weld yourselves as one to that spirit that marches on. And see yourself again in that place from where the source of it all derives. And say yes, it was because of love that he died, and for love he is born again.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 11:11:43 +0000

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