BUDDHIST-THEIST INTERFAITH DAILOGUE: Mahayana Buddhist Heart - TopicsExpress


BUDDHIST-THEIST INTERFAITH DAILOGUE: Mahayana Buddhist Heart Sutra: Discourse on the Unitarian Universalism of Heart Sutra - Part 5 The entire discourse of Mahayana Buddhist Heart Sutra is the application of the way of deconstruction dialectic or the way of negation (via negativa) to unveil the Truth of Unity underlying the multiplicity . Unity is Emptiness. Unity is the Lord of Truth or the Truth of the Lord universally applicable. The Heart Sutra first negates the five aggregates of body, feelings, perceptions, volitions, and consciousness. Next , the Heart Sutra negates the six sense faculties (eyes, ears, nose , tongue, body and mind) . The negation is followed by a series of depersonification or disidentification of six sense fields (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and thought) , six sense consciousness ( eye-consciousness, ear -consciousness, nose-consciousness, tongue-consciousness , body-consciousness and mind-consciousness) and other fundamental doctrines of Sakyamuni Buddha. Negation means detachment or non-egoistic clinging or non-egoistic grasping in order to annihilate human ego empowerment. Negation is not a total renunciation or denial of the existence of the world. Negation is the paradigm shift from the head mind into the Heart Mind so that one walks the middle path of the Unity of the head mind and the Heart Mind. This bipolar Unity is the Space between the relative truth and the Absolute Truth. Dwelling in this Space of complete peace is perfection of wisdom. This negation is done by applying meditative praxis of equanimous detachment to purge off human ego from defiling the mind. The meditative detachment or negation strategy effectively stills or silences the human mind. The mental appeasement is effected through non-egoistic clinging to all the five aggregates so that object reification or substantial idolatry is appeased. The appeasement of object or idol effectively eliminates mental obsession . The appeasement of mental obsession effectively leads to appeasement of conceptualization. Conceptual appeasement is not the total denial of the human process of conceptualization. Conceptual appeasement is utilizing concepts without egoistic reactive attachment or egoistic aversion . Mindfulness meditation removes egoistic clinging to the process of thinking or conceptualizing .Non-clinging detachment is using the head mind without defiling the mind and sullying the heart . The is the key function of mindfulness meditation of not sullying the mind and the heart like a lotus flower unsullied by the mud without abandoning the mud. The world of 21st century is beseiged with turmoil after turmoil. Political, economic , educational , religious and social turmoils are arisen because we reify one another in terms different creeds , colors, castes , beliefs and ideologies . We reify , objectize , are obsessed , and are angered by external differences of creeds, colors, castes, beliefs and ideologies leading to outward manifestation of greed and hatred rooted in delusion by the multiple forms of diversity. We do not know how to apply the wisdom of detachment with the instrument of deconstruction dialectic or via-negativa to tame and appeased our noisy obsessed sullied minds and hearts. The Heart Sutra is a liberative savior of humankind. Actual practice of detachment without denial is the true shepherd .
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 03:34:46 +0000

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