BULLYING: Seeing lots of info online about bullying really made me - TopicsExpress


BULLYING: Seeing lots of info online about bullying really made me think about people who get bullied at school. I always remember my high school days as I was bullied by a few different girls. I remember it well. They would talk behind my back, take the micky out of me, turn people away from me, hide my things and one day I will never forget that just as I sat down ready for class to start, I got my pencil tin out to get my pen and I could smell glue. It was a strong smell and straight away I sat there with thoughts going round and round in my head - do i try to open in, do i just leave it and not even try. It was very clear they had managed to glue my pencil tin together so I couldnt get into it. But what should I do? I looked over to where the girls were sitting. The ring leader who maybe will even get to read this over Facebook i will remain nameless. She looked at her little followers, they smirked, they laughed and they were all having a real laugh at my expense as they thought i would try and open the pencil tin lid. Now, this seems so trivial, and so minor. But to me, when i was young, this was huge and really bothered me. I hated going to school during these times, I remember when we even spoke to the head teacher but no one could really do anything to these people who decided to be nasty to others. I know there was a few girls in our year who felt the same. They hated school. How sad....! But now, as the years go on. I realised that for me, it probably made me stronger. Because I realised I didnt want to be liked by these type of people, probably why I now do so much for other people. I realised I had more knowledge, sense and intelligence than these people who wanted to be nasty. I am well aware it could have gone the other way though. In the last few years we have even helped people who have been bullied or had emotional trauma from the past. (so I guess something good comes from these things) I think I was lucky - my parents had a strong work ethic and we all work hard and to the best standard possible. Its in our family genes! So my focus was on doing something in my life, not on dwelling on the horrible bullies. As the years have gone by, I realised that a lot of the time its the bullies that I feel sorry for, or need the attention as why would you want to put someone else down other than to make yourself feel better or popular. It is really sad. I spent ages feeling rubbish about going to school wondering what they would do next, and I will admit that to anyone. Now, I just smile and think - I am glad your not my friend! I would rather surround myself with people who uplift me, who help me achieve my goals and dreams than people who want to drag you down. I am just so grateful I was the strong one. (dont get me wrong, I was far from strong at the time, I HATED and i mean HATED school during those times) I would never be doing what I am today if I thought I was useless. I didnt allow these bullies to determine my life but I could have. So why am I writing this? No matter what people say to you, no matter what happens to you. You can stand up to these people and not allow them to affect you. I actually thank these bullies now, because maybe i wouldnt be the person I am today wanting to help everyone and be kind and supportive if this didnt happen to me. Who will ever know. But what I do know is that I have chosen to be STRONG, CONFIDENT, DETERMINED and someone who can make a difference. That makes me feel much better than holding onto the past of what happened as I did not let that equal my future. I now run a training company and lead an awesome team for It Works Global in the UK - these people are the people I surround myself with who want higher standards for themselves and their future. #bettertogether #antibullying #teamwork #strength #determination Have a great day everyone xxx
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:43:19 +0000

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