BY: Anita Snowden - The FIVE-FOLD OFFICE is not a political party - TopicsExpress


BY: Anita Snowden - The FIVE-FOLD OFFICE is not a political party for campaign votes, neither is it a title to wave around traveling with an itinerary from church to church receiving praises and honoriums, but the FIVE-FOLD is for Apostles to govern, Prophets to guide, Evangelist to gather, Pastors to guard and Teachers to ground.For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:....That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro , and carried about withevery wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness , whereby they lie in wait to deceive;{Ephesians 4:12,15}
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 10:59:51 +0000

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