Baby Susan is gaining TOO MUCH weight. Yes, you read that - TopicsExpress


Baby Susan is gaining TOO MUCH weight. Yes, you read that correctly. Susan has to cut back on her daily calories because her body is outgrowing her lungs, which is not a good thing. This is what we classify as a high-class problem, when you consider how far she has come, being born at just one pound. Nonetheless, the plan for the near future is to keep her from gaining too much weight to quickly. Many have sent congratulatory messages because Susan is now close to 5.5 lbs and shes coming home soon, right? Not so fast my friends:) We still have a long way to go. Susan being 5.5 lbs is nothing like a normal baby at the same weight. She stopped having the benefit of amniotic fluid when she was till in the womb at 23 weeks. Thats when her lung development stopped. Comparing her lungs to a 5.5 lb baby is like comparing a watermelon to a grape. When babies are born at that same weight (5 lbs), theyve had the benefit of amniotic fluid - whose sole purpose is for lung development - for the entire time they were inside the mother. Gestationally speaking, Susan will be 38 weeks Monday. In real world neonatal life, shes still fighting to get her lungs to open. As for Angela, Madeline, Laura, Paige and myself: We had a great week. This journey has given us an opportunity to witness to our daughters. To show them what is REALLY important in life and whats just fluff. Tuesday we all went shopping for Susan. Thursday, Madeline (13) and I went out for daddy/daughter time at Starbucks and had one of the most amazing conversations, where we shared openly about our love for each other, as well as Madeline explaining to me what its like being a 13 yr old in todays world. #EyeOpener I told her whatever she decides to do with her life, Ill be supporting it 1000%, on one condition: You MUST play big. I find myself trying to witness more and more each day. Not just about God but about business. How we should love people and use money, not the other way around. How its OK to be wealthy but not OK to flaunt it, bragging, chest-thumping and other actions that make you look small....and others to feel even smaller. I want to earn billions, I make no apologies for that. The reason is, so I can change generations of my family. Then change generations of other families. I want to create a trust for my family so they never have to focus on money and can focus on making a difference, first. I want a hospital wing named after my daughter in the NICU of Childrens Hospital. You dont get hospital wings named after you by playing small in life. It takes money, commitment and tons of outreach. Another lesson: We evolve every day. Ten years ago my biggest concern was buying things I couldnt afford, with money I didnt have, to impress people I didnt like - all in the name of Corporate America. Its called Corporate because most are corpses, wandering aimlessly through life, being led off a cliff like lemmings. Dont be lemming. It costs just as much to dream big as it does to dream small. Our Baby is BIG today, praise God. And so are our dreams for her and the rest of our kids. #Day90 #OneMoreBreath #PlayBig
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 15:05:44 +0000

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