Bad Words Being Used By The Most Senior People in Uganda. Some - TopicsExpress


Bad Words Being Used By The Most Senior People in Uganda. Some #Ugandans call me names. It does not faze me at all. Yes, I am one of the most arrogant people you will ever meet in your life. I never say sorry. There is arrogance that comes from low self esteem (mine is way too high). Then there is arrogance that comes from knowing you can provide solid references for everything. You have two choices. Hate me or become my friend and benefit from what my team in Uganda has learned. Anyway, in October 2014 at the CEC (NRM Executive members) in State House, some dude did something ridiculous that some of my friends and family have read about. This man (ambassador to Burundi) got mad at Seya. He used some words. Then proceeded to say Did you go to the bush? Do you want me to take off my pants and show you the bullet wounds?. OMG, I was thinking he prolly wears a boxer underneath his pants. Were it a woman, I would have been saying I hope you wear Vic Secret underneath. But the many used Kumanyako and then grabbed his bottled water and threw it across the room. I wish I could have done the same in some meetings. Now tell me, how can we not get bad ideas? Here is that article. COME ON, IT WAS A LOT OF FUN THE FIRST TIME AROUND. LET US HAVE SOME FUN. Do you people know that when Bad Mommie read one of my posts with this, she asked me why I was using a word I did not remember? We left Nairobi when I was very young and she thinks I do not remember Swahili. She is right but I retained all the bad words. Enjoy and laugh. ------------------------------- Thursday, 23 October 2014 VAGINA INVOKED IN DFENCE OF MUSEVENIS HOLD ON POWER Last month Museveni sacked the countrys Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi over allegations that the later intended to contest for the Presidency during the 2016 elections. Last week Museveni chaired his partys Central Executive Committee meeting in order to remove the same Amama Mbabazi from the position of the Partys Secretary Generalship. Under Musevenis rule, any intention to vie for the Presidency by anybody else other than him amounts to high treason. In the same meeting were Mbabazis wife who is the Chairperson of the womens league. During the proceedings of the stormy meeting, a member Gen Matayo Kyaligonza who is Ugandas Ambassador to Burundi informed the Mbabazis thus You are lucky that Iam not the President ; otherwise by now you and your wife would be in Luzira Prison. He went further to described Mrs Mbabazi as being stupid. When another member Hassan Basajabalaba tried to call the army General to order, the infuriated General abused him that KUMANYOKO to which Hassan also told him the same insult. At this point Gen. Kyaligonza set off to physically attack Hassan after throwing to him a bottle of mineral water but was restrained. All along the Chairman (Museveni) was simply watching in approval as he kept taking down notes. Ofcourse, for Museveni this was very healthy since his cohorts were now behaving like the proverbial trapped grasshoppers who choose to eat each other when placed in a bottle instead of discussing the trapper (Museveni). KUMANYOKO is a grave insult. The word KUMANYOKO originates from a Kiswahili word KUMA which means VAGINA and NYOKO which is a Bantu dialect to mean YOUR MOTHER. It is a slung language used in insulting another and means YOUR MOTHERS VAGINA. The Kiswahili-speaking people would use KUMAMAKO to mean the same thing. Mama is the Kiswahili version of mother which the Bantu-speaking trnslated as NYOKO to give rise to KUMANYOKO. It is not clear how Hassans mothers vagina surfaced in the CEC meeting which is the partys 2nd most top organ!!! WHO IS GEN. MATAYO KYALIGONZA He deserted Addi Amins dreaded intelligence out fit the State Research Bureau (SRB) in the mid 1970s and joined Save Uganda Movement (SUM) one of the Anti-Amin fighting groups that was headed by Eteker Ejalu. Under SUM Kyaligonza was responsible for a number of heinous crimes that were committed in the country to discredit the Iddi Amin regime. When Iddi Amin was overthrown Kyaligonza joined Musevenis Uganda Patriotic Movement (UPM) and was its local Chairman for Hoima District. When the UPM genuinely and miserably lost in the 1080 elections, Kyaligonza opted to join Museveni in the five years guerrilla war. During the war Kyaligonza was in-charge of a special task force codenamed Black Bombers (BB) that was responsible for terrorising Kampala city. In his book Agony of Power, Kyaligonza on page 14 states thus My unit BB and the 7th Battalion made Kampala city very unsafe . By 3.00 p.m all shops would be closed and this became the order of the day. In another book by one of his aides then Pecos Kutesa he states that under the direction of Matayo Kyaligonza they planned and attempted to blow up the fuel depots and torch the city but by good luck they contained no fuel. In one of the several killing sprees by Kyaligonza in Kampala during the war he personally shot dead Hon Bamuturaki the DP Member of Parliament (MP) for Mwenge county. On that fateful evening at Kisement in the Kololo area of Kampala city Kyaligonza had ambushed a UNLA army officer in the urinals he mistakenly took Hon Bamuturaki for the target officer and shot him dead. Of course the then UPC government of Milton Obote took the blame. Gen Matayo Kyaligonza and Hon Aston Kajara (currently a Minister) who was a member of the NRA clandestine squad should apologise to the country, the DP, the people of Mwenge and the Bamuturaki family. During the final assault on Kampala in 1986, Kyaligonza commanded the NRAs 7th Battalion that proceeded to Jinja. Kyaligonza was made the 151 Brigade Commander based in Mbale. He oversaw the mopup operations aginst former soldiers and counter insurgency operations in eastern region. He ferried truckloads of stollen cattle from Teso region to his home in Hoima but most of them died due to change in climatic conditions. He was very brutal towards captured inurgents, former soldiers and suspected civilian populations. While addressing reportees (surrendered insurgents and former soldiers) he would loudly welcome them followed by a lowere voice to the NRA officer who had brought them Oli mazi; oli Mudoma; olesere baaki meaning you are shit/fieces; you are stupid; why have you brought them impluing that they should have been killed in the field stright away. Kyaligonzas attitudes towards the insurgents were to guide NRAs future operations against insurgents in the eastern region culminating into some of the most bizzare incidents like the burning of people in a train wagon in Mukura. Therefore, when the same Kyaligonza called Mrs Mbabazi stupid during the CEC meeting, he applied his common Runyoro word Mudoma which means a stupid person that he is so much accustomed to using. When the NRA introduced formal ranks in the late 80s, Kyaligonza was made a Brigadier and is reported to have been very unhappy citing secterianism. He had hoped to have been on the same rank with the likes of Saleh and Rwigyema. By the time Museveni swiftly and tactifully removed him from command positions in the eastern region, intelligence reports indicated that he was planning a rebellion. Later Kyaligonza was retired from the army and he joined parliament as a member of parliament for Buhaguzi in Hoima district. When he lost the seat, the going became tough and he had to kneel before Museveni to come to hia reacue. He approached the then CMI Noble Mayombo who advised him to write a letter to Museveni which Mayombo personally delivered to Museveni. In the letter Kyaligonza narrated how life had become so difficult for him to the extent that he could not even affort to take pay school fees for his childred. Kyaligonzas pleas to Musevei came at a time when there was rumour of rebellion by PRA and senior army officers were fleeing to Rwanda. To contain him, Museveni acted very fast by posting him to diplomatic service first to Kenya and later to Burundi where he is currently the Ambassador. In 2012 Museveni promotted him to the rank of Maj. Gen from Brigadier which he had held for close to two decades. Therefore, Gen. Kyaligonzas outbursts are a demonstration of total loyality to Museveni in return for the awkward situation from which he rescued him some few years ago. By not intervening to bring Kyaligonza to order during the meeting or at least condemning his abusive language, Museveni was approving the humiliation of the Mbabazis. Such is the level of sycomphancy some people are williing to go in order to secure leftocers from Musevenis dinning table. During the censure motion against Hon Sam Kutesa over abuse of office some years back, the same Kyaligonza stated thus this man Kuteesa is an international businessman and his resignation could damage his reputation. That is why I supported him to fight on like Jim Muhweezi did. During the same CEC meeting last week Gen Kyaligonza threatened to remove his trouser and show the bullet scars he had sustained during the war as a justification for calling others stupid and Kumanyoko. Is this how far Ugandans are blackmailed by self seekers?????? For Basajabalaba, he has no moral authority to protest against Gen Kyaligonzas insults since he has been a major beneficiary of Musevenis patronage and abuse of public resources. Opening Commentary by Martha Leah Zesaguli (Nangalama) Moncton Canada Born and Raised in Uganda. For God and My Country (and comedy)
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:15:03 +0000

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