Barack Obama said that racial tensions may have softened his - TopicsExpress


Barack Obama said that racial tensions may have softened his popularity among white voters within the last two years, according to a story posted on the New Yorker magazine. “There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said. Well Mr. wtfever you want to call yourself. 1. its not because your black its because your a piece of shit that has done nothing but destroy this country with your socialist agendas and complete lack of any real leadership. 2.As far as you always playing the race card heres a news flash for you, Do you realize that the only thing you have done is helped solidify and somewhat justify the complaints of those whites that are racist against blacks by your actions? why of course you do because thats really what the plan is now isnt it? divide and conquer by any means possible yeah again your a piece of shit any strides foward in this country to end racism you have quashed, the work of men like Martin Luther King JR. you tend to go foward by going in reverse. returning our country to a time of racial hate and bigotry. If I was a black person I wouldnt claim your stink ass as one of my own and being as your half white ( you know that part of you, you so like to deny in order to fuel racial tensions) they wont claim you either..your just a lost and confused little boy arent you. Its because im black!! you scream..your a idiot white people suffer the same racism and get it from hispanics,blacks,native americans etc..but you dont hear whites crying around saying shit like that..when has your buddy Joe bidden claimed that blacks hate him because he is white...never..know why? Because Joe knows he is a retard and so does everyone else. so you just keep playing your little race game...wont be long when black and whites will get wise to your little shell game..anything taken to its most extreme state becomes the opposite of its original state...put simply for you (cause we all know your as simple as they come) WE THE PEOPLE WILL UNITE BLACK OR WHITE AND STICK A BOOT IN YOUR ASS! take it to the bank homie d clown.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 14:40:29 +0000

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