Barry Grossman - A snake eats a rat. Taken in Palestine circa - TopicsExpress


Barry Grossman - A snake eats a rat. Taken in Palestine circa 1930. There is one abiding fact which emerges from the early 20th century history of Palestine: Israel was NOT created by Jews nor even by the Zionists. In typical Colonial fashion, the Zionists – like Jews of the Diaspora - were a tool of convenience used by the emergent New World Order to advance a much larger agenda than merely dispossessing the Palestinian people by imposing a Jewish homeland in their ancestral lands. As if that is not itself already an unimaginable horror, in fact Israel was created by the emergent Corporatist New World Orders dominant powers, with their one time ally but natural adversary - Soviet Russia - playing the role of spoiler by smashing in 47/48 the last chance Palestinians had to prevent the Nakba. This of course does not mean that we should in anyway forgive or justify the deceitful actions of the Zionist movement but let there be no mistake, as powerful as the Zionist ideology has become, the vehemence with which we focus on denouncing Zionism, tends to cloak the existence of a still yet more powerful and far more dangerous enemy, namely the Corporatist New World Order alliance in which the Zionists are certainly not the most powerful player. The problem we face today is that many of those who oppose Zionism are not as such committed to Palestine, while still many again, if they are even aware of the New World Order problem, are by nature amenable rather than opposed to it. These currents of division which run below the surface of global public opinion tend to divide us all and empower those who control the political and security apparatus which has established a world order which is in every possible way hostile to individuals, hostile to indigenous peoples, hostile to religion and entirely subservient to corporate interests. How can I be so bold as to say that while they clearly played an indispensablei role in the Israel project, Israel was not created by the Zionists? Well consider this, my essay for today: The once secret Soviet and Jewish Agency documents on the Palestine question confirm that despite the best efforts of political Zionists to create Ersatz Israel by any means at their disposal, it was in fact created through the political machinations of the emergent New World Order’s central powers, but for which the Zionists would certainly have failed. Colonial Britain saw its Mandatory control of Palestine as giving Britain a territory from which to guard access to the Suez Canal which was essential to its Colonial “trading” empire. The real reason behind America’s obsession with Palestine was the discovery of Gulf Oil in 1908 notwithstanding that with massive support from American Jews for the Zionist agenda , by the roaring 20’s the territorial USA had already become the political centre for Zionism. While most pundits assume that US motives in Palestine were driven entirely by widespread public and political sympathy for the Zionist cause, in fact, both British and US though clearly influenced by Zionist pressure, were almost always motivated by economic self-interest. In typical fashion, the French who had so easily rolled over to the fascists, for their part, used what remained of their balance of power in the Atlantic world after WWII to try and revive the French Colonial Empire. By the time WWII ended in the dying days of Mandatory Palestine, both British and US policy on Palestine went through a fundamental change which saw them both scrambling to establish alliances with the ascendant Saudis who through largely clandestine British support for Ibn Saud starting in the 20’s, had carved a nation out of the Arab peninsula and by the end of WWII were in possession of the what has been called the “biggest prize” in history – Saudi Oil.. The Zionist’s, of course, had already managed to secure Ibn Saud’s commitment to their agenda decades earlier by feigning authority as agents for the British; but by the 40’s the world had changed from that which existed at the time of Versailles. The Soviet’s were under no illusion whatsoever about the shifting alliances which by ’48 had clearly seen both Britain and the USA distance themselves from the Balfour Declaration and the Zionist agenda as the Mandate was about to expire. In the real politik of the early post war period, the Soviet’s considered that a capitalist hegemony in the region would be advanced by the west staking out an alliance with the Arabs in preference to its one time self-interested support for the Zionists. The Zionists, for their part, never saw the answer to their dilemma as resting with good faith negotiations with Palestinians and their Arab neighbors. Instead, since Herzl started the secular Political Zionist movement in 1897, the Zionist movement had always sought to advance its cause through infiltration, mostly clandestine lobbying and some even allege, by the bribery and blackmail of political elites in the UK, Russia, Europe and the USA. By the 40’s terrorist Zionist militias had added terrorism and assignation to their bag of tricks. It was in this real politik which in no way serious way considered the legitimate claims of Palestinian Arabs, let alone their status as indigenous peoples, that in the dying days of the Mandate, the British realized that their efforts to hold onto to Palestine by any means would not bear fruit, while America’s Truman administration thirsty for oil or at least anxious to control the world’s oil supply, changed its policy of supporting the UN proposal for partition and instead called, as the Soviets themselves had earlier done, for creating a UN administered Trusteeship in Palestine. Secret documents produced by the Soviets and Jewish Authority at the time make it explicitly clear that the Zionists would never accept the proposal for a UN Trusteeship while making it equally clear that the Arabs would accept a Trusteeship if the UN first shelved it partition proposal. The problem for the Palestinians, it seems, was threefold. First, with Truman facing an election and massive popular support for the Zionist cause in America, whatever America’s real interests and motives were, he could not go so far as to publicly withdraw all support for the partition plan. Second, under a leadership which included Yasser Arafat’s relative, the much maligned Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti Haj Mohammed Effendi Amin el-Husseini, King Abdullah I bin al-Hussein of Jordan and Ibn Saud, the Arabs were disorganized, naive and, caught up in their own internecine rivalries. As it turned out, with the luxury of hindsight,we can see that they made very bad decisions at critical times, albeit from under the British Colonial boot in an environment of intrigues encouraged by the Zionists and foreign powers. The third and arguably determining factor was that by ‘47 the Soviets had back pedaled from their longstanding antipathy towards Zionism and secretly established an alliance with the Zionists in order to stave off a capitalist hegemony in the region which they expected to be advanced through the west’s growing alliance with Arabs. As a result, in the dying days of the Mandate, when in the UN Security Council the US called for the partition proposal to be deferred because it was by then already clear that partition could only lead to protracted war in the region and instead called for a UN Trusteeship to be established, the Soviets came out in opposition to the US proposal while, on the ground, they influenced the Czechs to abandon their plans to covertly sell arms to the Arabs and instead arm the Zionists. The rest, as they say, is history – though a very different history from that which lives in the collective delusion of today’s public. With the UN Security Council seized of the Palestine question and about to consider the US proposal for a Trusteeship at a special session, the General Assembly’s indefinite partition proposal was in limbo. The Zionists disingenuously portrayed themselves through the World Media as victims. But in fact by ’48 they enjoyed massive financial support from Diaspora Jews who also wielded immeasurable political influence. They had the invaluable benefit of a new secret alliance with the Soviets and large numbers of boots on the ground as a result of years of illegal immigration and the WWI & WWII British policy of recruiting and training Jewish Brigades to fight British enemies. By ’47 the Zionists had a substantial armed militia which included not only what in the day were considered moderate Zionists but also the fascist and terrorist elements of Irgun, Lehi, Palmach and the Stern Gang. With a US sponsored UN arms embargo on the region, the British, the US and the Arabs grossly underestimated the material strength of the Zionists and, after decades of divisive Colonial era intrigues by the British, overestimated the strength, unity and commitment of the Arabs. The Zionist who had never deigned to try good faith negotiations with the Palestinians and who had always sought to advance their cause by clandestinely influencing the world’s dominant political powers, abandoned the emerging “New World Order” at the precise moment its central powers – the British and the USA – showed themselves to be less than fully committed to the Zionist cause of creating Ersatz Israel. Secret Jewish Agency documents from 1948 make it very clear that the Zionist were very aware that the UN would need a considerable period of time in order to reach a resolution on the Palestine question. This created a window of opportunity for the Zionists and with Soviet support “in-the-bag,” they resolved to proceed unilaterally on expiry of the British Mandate in March 1948 after already having waged a war of terror for several years which, in turn, became known as a “civil war” following the UN General Assembly’s partition resolution in late 1947. The British with their Empire in decline, was exhausted in every way after WWII and the Americans had already for some inexplicable reason shown their hand by making it clear that the US would not intervene militarily in Palestine regardless of what unfolded. With widespread support for Zionism in America and a looming election, Truman’s was forced to fold his hand - not when the Soviets expressed opposition to his proposal for a UN Trusteeship - but rather at the moment that the Zionist political leadership opted out of the “International System” and preempted a UN resolution of the Palestine by unilaterally declaring Independence and mobilizing its well armed militia forces in a war of calculated cruelty that produced the Nakba, thereby immediately throwing the world into a state of insecurity and Zionist intrigue that has continued to this day. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=567662163326272&set=t.100000770885158&type=1&theater
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 05:08:04 +0000

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