Batesburg,Leesville has a rich movie history--dont ya know ! back - TopicsExpress


Batesburg,Leesville has a rich movie history--dont ya know ! back in the late 50s, our hero was Mr. Sam Bogo,--he already had a movie theater in Batesburg " Carolina" when i was a littl boy, my sis. n i would walk 3miles to Batesburg in the evenings, picking up soda bottles from the ditches along hwy.391, then sell um for 3cents each at Bill Slovers gas station, where Hardees is now..w/ a couple doz. nehis,neugrapes truaides,pepsi n coke bottles,we,d have enough for 2 , 10cent tickets,huge cups a soda ,n popcorn.(there was a balcony in his theatre for the colored people back then,but i,d sometimes sneek up there).in the late 50s we began to go w/ a carload of kids, someone borrowin, mom n dads the Orig. Monetta Drivein, sometimes sneekin a couple in, in the trunk, u could take coolers in then, n blankets n such, but the snackbar was always loaded w/ goodies..evn hotdogs n such.. i think the price had gone to 25,or 35cents by then..for a double features,ads, cartoons n the early 70s, the heyday of driveins were waning, n Sam had ta go to showing xxx rated movies to was about that time that a few of my local hippy buds,brought me a gift to my leathercraft shop one was a speaker torn from a post from..monetta drivein, still have it..was problemly on that post since late 50s...
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 23:46:01 +0000

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