Batman: I...I just hope you feel the same way. Superman: I do, - TopicsExpress


Batman: I...I just hope you feel the same way. Superman: I do, Bruce. Ive always felt that way about you. (Batman begins to blush) Batman: Will it work? Me and you. Human and alien. Superman: It can...if we work together. (Batmans knees start shaking) Batman: But what if...what if people dont agree? Superman: Even if they do theyll have to accept it. Were destined for each other Bruce. Whether they like it or not. I havent felt this way about anyone until I met you. If they attack us Ill hold you close, protect you. Batman: You flatter me, Clark. Superman: I love you, Batman. Batman: I love you too, Superman Batman and Superman look into each others eyes. Batman begins tearing up. Batman: Kiss me. Superman kisses Batman with passion. They made sweet, slow love on top of Wayne Tower. THE MORNING AFTER... Batman: That was...amazing. Superman: You were amazing. Come with me, my love. Let us fight crime as a couple. Batman: Indeed, Man of Steel. They fly off together to fight crime. Batman proposed to Superman later on. They got married the following year
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 17:12:08 +0000

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