Be Patient “So Satan went out from the presence of - TopicsExpress


Be Patient “So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Job 2:7 We have all heard the story about the patience of Job, where Satan inflicted him with severe hardships to test his faith in God and try to turn him against God. Job is the perfect example in that Satan had inflicted him in such a way to get him to give up on God and give in to Satan. Job suffered in a way that would have caused almost anyone to give in and say “enough is enough”, I will do as you say and denounce God. Job however had enough faith in God to endure the pain and suffering and not give in. He lost everything but kept his faith in God, and did not waver even during his suffering. He had the patience to endure the hardships of life, as he had a promise that if he would keep his faith he would be rewarded many times over with God’s blessings. This is the way God wants each of us to be in dealing with the pain and suffering that we go through in our own lives. He even tells us to be content, even in the times we are having trials and struggles I believe that God allows many things in our lives to happen in order to test our faith. He knows ahead of time what impact many of these things will have on us, and tests our patience in trusting in Him. We must learn to be patient and many times not expect God to respond in our time frame, but in His time frame. This is hard for many as we want things now, and become impatient when our prayers are not met. But we must be patient, and if we live our lives in the way God wants us to, he will reward us as he did Job with more than we had before. God is patient with us as he wants us to receive His gift of salvation, and we need to be patient with Him in our times of suffering. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Six December 2
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 12:25:04 +0000

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