Be Quick to Admit When your Wrong There are no perfect people. - TopicsExpress


Be Quick to Admit When your Wrong There are no perfect people. Everybody makes mistakes. As soon as you know you’re wrong, admit it—the quicker, the better. Richard Nixon had to resign the presidency, not because he was wrong, but because he wouldn’t admit it. Burglarizing the Watergate Hotel was no major thing. No one was hurt, no one was killed, and nobody lost anything. Yet it cost Richard Nixon the presidency. If he had issued a statement immediately, saying, “Yes, some of my men broke into the Watergate Hotel. It was wrong, and I want to get it right,” he would have served out his term and not had to resign. I have known preachers, whose names I will not use, to lose their ministries simply because they would not admit they were wrong. Rather than admitting they were wrong, they tried to excuse their behavior, justify their actions or discredit the person who called attention to their mistake. If you’re wrong with your wife, admit it and put it behind you. If you’re wrong with your children, admit it and put it behind you. If you’re wrong with your parents, admit it and put it behind you. The sooner, the better. In reading the Bible, I have discovered things people do with their sins: first, they try to blame someone else. This is the case with the first man who ever sinned. When God asked Adam why he had taken of the forbidden fruit, he said, “The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.” In other words, “It’s not my fault; it was Eve’s fault and really Your fault, because You’re the one who gave me the woman.” manner. A third thing people do about their sins is try to justify them. This is the case of Saul in the Old Testament. He disobeyed God and kept things that God told him to destroy. When he was asked why he disobeyed the Lord, he explained, ‘I kept these prize sheep and prize cattle to have something to sacrifice unto the Lord.’ And the prophet said, “To obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams” (I Sam. 15:22). The fourth thing I find in the Bible that men do with their sins is the right thing—that is, confess them. First John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” So as soon as you know you’re wrong, admit it not only to those you’ve wronged, but confess it to Christ as a sin, that you may obtain His forgiveness and cleansing as He has clearly promised in I John 1:9.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:15:00 +0000

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