Be aware when you watch the movie, Noah. It is ironically - TopicsExpress


Be aware when you watch the movie, Noah. It is ironically appropriate that a film made about the most corrupt and wicked generation of mankind that ever lived, and was wiped out by God because of its wickedness, was directed by an atheist and openly admits that it is the most unbiblical of all Bible movies ever made, rewriting the storyline to make the biblical backdrop into an environmentalist statement. To make the story of Noah into a moral tale of some kind is . . . strange. But, the biblical account does make God the most environmentally sensitive being in existence, willing to stop the corruptors of environmental culture in its tracks with a flood. Note to Christians and those who believe the Bible: The producer of the movie “Noah,” a self-professed atheist, says he is proud of the fact that he’s taken a story inspired by God’s word and turned it into something so secular. Director Darren Aronofsky called his movie “the least biblical biblical film ever made,” He also claimed his leading character, Noah, was the “first environmentalist,” something that suggests the movie storyline doesn’t exactly follow the Bible’s. m.washingtontimes/news/2014/mar/24/atheist-noah-director-brags-film-least-biblical-bi/
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 16:22:07 +0000

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