Be careful of teaching our children to have short memories and - TopicsExpress


Be careful of teaching our children to have short memories and denial symptoms like many of us do. They are more inquisitive and curious and a lot less fearful then we were at their age. Tell them the truth or it will come back to bite you, because they will find out sooner or later, and they will know that you were unwilling to be real with them. Then the respect they had for you will diminish and fade away as they start to see you as either an agent of the con games or a brainwashed victim. Little White Lies are a myth. a lie is a lie and a seed planted that will grow and produce real results. Children can handle the knowledge of good and evil, wrong and right, bad and good, hot and cold, up and down, happy and sad, the law of relativity and the duality of nature. They can see it everywhere, so you are not shielding them from anything by having them honor and celebrate what we know is wrong, untrue, racist, evil and bad for them up to a certain age, then all of a sudden, telling them (when the damage has already been done) that all of the stuff they were taught as children was just good for them at that age only, but not really true. That old way of doing it has played out. These children are not us. They can see. Tell them the truth about the lies they learn in school, on TV and in religious training. Truth is good for them. Dont have them dishonoring themselves by believing that Columbus did anything worth honoring or celebrating, or the George Washington never told a lie, or that Abraham Lincoln was our Great Emancipator, or that Warner Bros and Disney respects them, or that mythology is real history, or that our contributions to the world started with american slavery, or that the indigenous peoples of this nation are called indians and redskins, and that all non europeans were uncivilized savages until europeans contacted and saved them, or that Africa is or was the Dark Continent and every white boy that went there and got rich is a great man or hero, such as Cecil Rhodes and other parasitic criminal racist leeches. Dont allow the government through its miseducation and misinformation system to teach our babies about our people without you dismantling and debriefing that crap. They need to know who MLK was through our eyes, as well as Malcom X, Elijah Muhammad, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Martin Delaney, Richard Allen, Ida B Wells, Sojourner Truth, Harriett Tubman, Madame CJ Walker, Imhotep, Queen Nzingha, Queen Aahotep, Betty Shabazz, Coretta Scott King, Ramesu II, Narmer, Nactanebo II, Mentuhotep, Shabaka, Taharka, Queen Nitocris, Akhenaten, Thotmosis IV, Amenemhet III, Neb Maat Ra Amenhotep & Queen Tiye, and many many more. Sit with them and talk to them about their ancestors and their heritage. Show them videos. Read with them. Take them to African Museums and African ceremonies. Let them experience their culture and fall in love with it. This is who we are. No more denying, pretending and hiding. Time to confront the stuff and be real. Check out this racist cartoon. Why do we depend on the same people who degraded us to now give us positive representations of ourselves when we dont even support those who have always given us these positive representations? We have been showing our children African made cartoons from the Pan African Film Festival for years. https://youtube/watch?v=sls5H4xVHys
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:10:51 +0000

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