Be enlightened...Do not sit in the dark...Invest in a Portable - TopicsExpress


Be enlightened...Do not sit in the dark...Invest in a Portable Generator Power outages are more than just sitting in the dark...... The refrigerator stops running and everything starts to defrost. If you live in the tropical climate, the air conditioning is the first to shut off and so are the ceiling fans. Out come the flashlights, and portable fans, and you just sit quietly, waiting for the power to return. Most power outages, caused by accidents that compromise power lines, are usually repaired in a day or two. In the case of winter storms, power outages could last for weeks. Have a back-up method of heating food and water. A camping stove is ideal. A barbeque grill will work quite well, but do not bring it into the house. (You dont want carbon monoxide poisoning.) A gas stove can often work if you have matches for ignition. Remember to have plenty of fuel on hand for your camp stove or barbeque in case your adventure lasts several days Water is actually more important than food, and if your water supply is pump-driven, it may give out in a power failure. Put aside many gallons or litres of drinking water. Fill your bathtub or pails with water for flushing the toilet, washing, and so on. Power outages can mean get out of the house during the day if it is safe to do so. Go to the mall, or take in a movie. Have a few good meals at a nearby diner or at a fast food restaurant. Unless you are snow bound, or ill, there is no reason to stay indoors and be uncomfortable. Theres plenty of time for that when it gets too late to stay out. Remember that there will be no TV, no light, and games that need reading will not be able to be played. Turn on your flashlight only when you need to move about. You can make up your own games, sing songs, or practice the ancient art of talking with one another. Be playful if possible. Read a book to pass the time. Remember, this can only be done during the daylight hours. At night, the best thing is to go to sleep. Time passes faster when you sleep, especially when there is nothing else to do but wait.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:05:26 +0000

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