Be forewarned this might be a long post. As I started my journey - TopicsExpress


Be forewarned this might be a long post. As I started my journey for Chicago I had planned on trying to set a new personal best Marathon time as well as BQ ( Boston Qualify). My race weekend started with the family trip to Chicago and some walking and shopping around the town. It was at this point I realized that I had forgotten my hydration belt (that a very good friend Roberto Cueto had given me awhile ago). So what to do, guess Ill try a new one-this was the first sign. Now fast forward to race morning I wake up with a major head cold, determined to push forward I head down to the race. As I start my pre race prep I realized me headphones have fallen apart, now what do I do? Well no turning back now so onward I push. Now it is race time, the first few miles I fight my way past thousands of people to get going at a good pace. The city is just waking up and more supporters are lining the sidelines. I keep pushing along and feeling good and have found my groove, still behind my goal pace but I am surrounded by thousands of people and try to find a good line but cant manage to get there. It is around my 12-13 that something goes wrong and pain sets in on my calf/PT band area... Determined to push forward still I slow down and take out my headphones to allow the crowd to push me forward. I reach mile 14 where the Charity Tent for HRC is and see the wonderful support test cheering me and my fellow racers on. So I keep pushing forward at this time I am really taking in the scenery and the supporters, I start taking more advantage of the hydration stops and began to Thank all of the volunteers that I can. It is at this point the meaning of the race becomes more visible that it is not all about me but is a reason to bring everyone together for some great causes. I meet some wonderful people in the final 10 miles.. Finally the finish is in sight and I run across the line and feel pretty good at this point. Thank you to all of you for being here and pushing me to achieve something that 2 years ago I wouldve never imagined was possible
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 13:57:43 +0000

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