Because I am building a business and being positive is important I - TopicsExpress


Because I am building a business and being positive is important I wasnt going to post about my day today because of how horrible it has been. But I am on a mission to be me and stop walking on egg shells So here it is. I got passed on a promotion today at the regular j.o.b. I am really disappointed honestly not that I didnt get the promotion but more of how it came about, shame on the two who are involved - Management should get more input than from one employee and yes you did make a mistake and that employee is using a disability to discredit people (including said management), and influence out comes when it is unethical at best and down right lies at worst. And it keeps repeating, it rips at my core beliefs and causes great upset in my life. I could say so much more here but will leave it at that. Then early this morning, working my dream business I purchased a small program to assist me in moving forward and something went wrong. By this afternoon my account is empty and even though the company is doing the correct things and I will not only get my money back but additional products, it was just too much in a 30 minute window I had a melt down and really cut loose on a little gal just doing her job. Any of you who have actually seen me lose my temper know why I am sorry here, I am truly remorseful and have that crappy is to keeping your cool even when the rest of the world has lost its! Special shout out to my Hubby who handled all of this with grace, including the lunatic wife screeching a lot of profanities! Hope your day is better than mine and if you have been sitting the wall about joining me with Essante hopping off that fence now is a great idea! Im making a BIG push and the higher you are the more volume you get ;)
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 04:45:59 +0000

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