Because I do so much reading, I am always running in encouraging - TopicsExpress


Because I do so much reading, I am always running in encouraging words and wish to share this with you. I met this man online and I heard his testimony - though he has passed on, this is worth passing along - I honor this servant of God - Missionary Sam Sasser and his works. Book also written called the Potters Touch. I will share more with you later on the book and the 7 vessels. But look at this and see if you are blessed as I was. This is a keeper. IN HONOR OF A CHOSEN VESSEL Dr. Sam Sasser passed on to be with the Lord several years ago. He served the Lord for forty years. He began his ministry as a teacher in the Marshall Islands. Many say Dr. Sasser was to the Marshall Islands what the Apostle Paul was to the Gentiles. His message and labor of love won many to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Below is my remembrance of his stay in our home. Sweet Jesus. Sweet Jesus. I sat on the floor and looked up at this servant of God. He seemed so tired as he rested on pillows and underwent self-dialysis. A plate of crackers and a plum lay untasted at his side. He looked down at me as I asked if I might help him with his plastic socks and said, Dear, I would appreciate it. It would take me twenty minutes a sock. I have no feeling in my fingers. As I gingerly untied the shoestrings of his only pair of shoes, I heard him say, Sweet Jesus. Sweet Jesus. It was time to go to services and as I assisted him with my shoulder, we slowly made our way down the hall. Again I heard him quietly say, Sweet Jesus. Sweet Jesus. He carefully slid into the car and settled into the seat and I heard him once again say, Sweet Jesus. Sweet Jesus with a long sigh. That weekend, Brother Sam ministered in our church for four services and a mens breakfast. Exhausted, full of cold and enduring much pain and discomfort, he was vibrant and full of life as he spoke of his love for Jesus, for the people of the Marshall Islands, for his mother, father, son, daughter and grandchild. But I dont think I will ever forget the way he spoke of his wife, Flo. His voice cracked and tears streamed down his cheeks as he shared of his love for her. Dr. Sasser is gone now. His suffering is over. His body no longer aches. He was a living legend -- a modern-day Paul. His life was filled with tragedy and triumph: from a plane wreck, beatings, lonely travels in a one-man canoe in the Marshall Islands -- to blessings of revival, miracles, healings and great victories for the kingdom of his Lord. What was his secret? I believe I know. It was, Sweet Jesus. Sweet Jesus. At every turn, with every need, Dr. Sasser called upon his Lord. Jesus was his sustenance in every situation. To me, the Master Potter would surely be pleased with the chosen vessel He had created in Sam Sasser. What a testimony! May we all be encouraged by such a great man of God as he persevered through all of his trials - no matter how hard it gets, we can make it with the help of our Savior. Be blessed everyone.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 22:26:28 +0000

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