Because my newsfeed is BLOWING UP about this, here we go. Should - TopicsExpress


Because my newsfeed is BLOWING UP about this, here we go. Should you not enjoy long winded rants, Im sorry and please skip ahead! President Obama does not hate Stay at Home Moms. He is not trying to take away anyones freedom to choose to stay home to raise children. I am fully supportive of SAHMs and have nothing but respect for them because, frankly, babies SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME. Children are hard work. No, really. props to them. But I think this is being seriously taken out of context, especially since the earlier part of his speech (where he spoke about the struggles women who need to work face when it comes to finding care for their children) was cut out. Hes not condemning stay-at-home moms at all, hes suggesting putting more money and effort into preschools and day care to make them more accessible, affordable and high-quality so that women who CHOOSE to re-enter the workforce have the ability to do so. The whole speech was directed at those women who genuinely want to work and cant because the cost of daycare basically negates their entire paycheck, and the remark was taken out of context to seem like he was talking about all moms. Making it easier for women to return to work should they so choose will in no way make things more difficult for SAHMS. Everybody wins! I fully support any womans decision to stay home and raise their children, and I fully support any womans decision to go back to work. Its about having the CHOICE! I dont think Obamas in the wrong for wanting to make either choice easier for moms. /end longwinded rant. Happy november, everybody. weeklystandard/blogs/obama-moms-who-stay-home-raise-kids-thats-not-choice-we-want-americans-make_817807.html
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 21:41:21 +0000

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