Because of Nightmare Moon eclipsing Princess Celestias sun. The - TopicsExpress


Because of Nightmare Moon eclipsing Princess Celestias sun. The pure negative alicorn magic was released into the world of Equestria and gathered into one spot from which Eclipse was born. His birth was purely spontaneous and as such was unexpected for the travelling Star Swirl the Bearded who found the abandoned colt. Starswirl stood over the small and seemingly defenceless young one and smiled stretching his long beard with his grin. What an odd colt. Those are some large red eyes you have there. You shall be known hence forth as Redeyes Eclipse, thought Star Swirl. The confused and bewildered Star Swirl the Bearded decided it was his responsibility to find the lost colts parents. Concentrate and relax your mind. Listen to the nature and the air. Take a deep breath slowly and exhale. Use your third eye to see me. Star Swirl the Bearded said in a calm voice. Redeyes Eclipse was still a colt and had thoughts of fun and games. It was almost impossible for him to concentrate due to constant thoughts of pranks he could pull on dear old Star Swirl the Bearded. These thoughts constantly flooded his mind. Help me, somepony! whispered a voice. Redeyes thought it was his imagination wandering off again, so he ignored the voice in his head. Starswirl raised an eyebrow for a moment then let out a sigh, There seems to be a problem, somepony is calling out for help. Sadly this magic of telepathy is Alicorn and cannot be answered by me. Redeyes, it is up to you to answer. I cant concentrate while communicating. Does this mean the training is over? Redeyes Eclipse asked. It cant be helped. We will resume after we found the source of the problem and solve It. said Star Swirl the Bearded. Redeyes copied the telepathy magic, which was an easy task to do because of Star Swirls intense training. As his horn glowed red magic he spoke with his mind calling out to the voice, Where are you and what is the cause that bothers you so? Great Celestia! Somepony heard me. I am trapped and there are raging creatures looking for me. I am scared! Please help me! Where are you trapped? Give me a description of the area you are in. I am hiding inside of a tree trunk by the Creepy Pasta forest. I am going to run for it once I get enough courage. Please find me before they catch me! Hmm? I think I know of this tree she speaks of. I was quite the adventurer too, when I was younger. I have a very fond memory of that tree as I used it as a safe haven when it started to rain. said Star Swirl the Bearded with a drifting smile gazing back into the old days. Redeyes Eclipse started to run in the direction that Star Swirl the Bearded mentioned. It did not take him much time, to his surprize his mentor was already there and looked to be fighting a pack of Timber wolves off. Out of pure rage, that something would hurt his dear friend who had become so close to him over this time he used his magic to cast a secret spell he learned from the powers of the moon. All the timberwolves merged together with a flash of light circling their wooden parts around in the air and mashing them into one spot, then a blast strong enough to push poor old Star Swirl the Bearded back. The blast imploded, glowing blue as radiant as the full moon’s glow itself. As the brightness of the blast faded, there laid a blue Pegasus colt on the ground. He lay still and quiet. Yet his ears looked different to a normal pony, he hid his face as he lay on the ground seemingly unconscious. His red and black wavy mane fell over his shoulders and his red wings stood out from his light blue coat. Starswirl stood up blinking fast to make sure what he was seeing was real and not from being pushed back and getting slightly hurt. Such forbidden magic. And this colt, where did he come from? This smells of Nightmare Moon, or was it Sombra? Redeyes was this really from you? Star Swirl the Bearded asked scared to know the answer that such powerful magic could come from such a small pony. Interrupting his chance for an answer a voice called out one that sounded familiar. Thank you so much! You saved me!” As she came out the log she was taking refuge inside Star Swirl the Bearded stiffened up making himself forget about his question to Redeye. Blood Star, is that you? You look just like your mother. What are you doing here? Pray tell, dearest granddaughter.Said Star Swirl the Bearded. The Blue Pegasus colt got up and looked around lost the others were too involved in the appearance of a dearest friend that he went unnoticed. Oh My Celestia! Is that you, Grandfather Star Swirl? I came in search of you! By my mothers calculations, she estimated that you would be found around here. I was a fool doubting her wisdom and got myself lost. said Blood Star with a puff in her voice as if she was tired from her exploits of the day. The blue cold coughed making everypony turn to him. The young cold shown now to be a werepony stared at them as if he had no idea what was going on. The werepony walked over to them and as he did Redeyes Eclipse heard a whisper in his mind saying, Blue Varg. He pointed to the blue pony with a grin, “Your name is Blue Varg.” The pony nodded as if not agreeing but accepting. The pony attempted a smile baring his sharp fangs at the group causing Blood Star to shiver. He took other step towards them to calm her offering his hoof, she reluctantly took it and gave it a shake of greeting. Starswirl still set back by this appearance shook his head. He opened his mouth to speak but before granted the chance the bushes started to move. Blood Star Jump scared from the noise turned around but did not want to fight and so stepped behind Redeyes and Star Swirl.Redeyes Eclipse had a spell ready for whatever was about to pop out. After a moment of suspense an unknown green Unicorn came out from the darkness of the shrubs. Blue Varg snarled and without hesitation dashed toward him. Enough! Starswirl bellowed making everypony stop in their tracks. Stop! Hes just my boyfriend. We are traveling together. My name is Lavender Tune, his name is Stripes LightningBlitz. said Lavender Tune as she came charging out the bushes. The lavender colored unicorn looked nervously at the group, her thick dark brown mane hanging down in a beautiful bob and her nicely styled tail flicking behind her. Her mate Stripes LightningBlitz a green Unicorn pony with black tips on his hair stood behind her and started to shake from nerves. Starswirl nodded at Redeye letting him know they were ok. He stepped back and nodded back, the two pony mates let out a sigh of relief. Yet another setback struck the group as a loud BOOM! echoed through the forest. Something flew by Redeye and crashed into a tree making it snap on impact. When the dust settled from the crash something came out. The being was skinny and very tall even compared to a full grown alicorn. This monster sported a smart black suit and bore no facial features what so ever. Long black tentacles swarmed out from behind the beast. The ponies shocked at such a ferocious beats stepped back all except for Starswirl and Redeye who flashed their horns ready for battle. With powerful magic blasts the two blasted at the beast, yet its long black tentacles acted as a sturdy defense breaking down each blast and hitting them away. The two jumped and dodged the swings of its tentacles and took each chance they got to fight back, yet the creature seemed to be too much for just the two. As the two began to grow tired the echo of hooves caught their and the monster’s attention. They turned to see the image of a white mare charging toward the monster. She looked like a ghoul mare with her broken horn and skeletal wings with no feathers almost frightening to the ponies. Starswirl and Redeye took the time to step back into the bushes with the other ponies to see if the ghoul mare could best the beast giving them time to rest. The frightening mare’s voice echoed deeply as she yelled at the monster, Back away thou fellow ponies it is best for you to take refuge. This creature has kidnapped my little sister this is my fight so back away. He will pay for his misdeeds, I vow on my mother I shall defeat thee beast! Her story was that of another, the ponies gave her the benefit of the doubt and let her fight the beast on her own. The fight raged on with her dark powers getting through to the beast, after some time of magic shooting, tentacle whipping, wing scratching and wrestling the beast gave up for his injuries grew too great and backed off running into the darkness with no look back. The ghoul mare gave the group a bow and with no words she left, Redeye knew in his heart they would encounter this mysterious mare again. The group decided to move on, they tracked through the dark thick forest trying to avoid any more trouble when they came across a cage in a clearing, inside was an alicorn filly . Redeyes jumped at the bait attempting to rescue the filly. he caught himself in a net. Starswirl chuckled at him and used his magic to set him free. He was blushed awkwardly knowing he had just made a fool of himself in front of his new allies. The alicorn filly lifted her hoof to her muzzle indicating the group to keep quiet. Starswirl used his magic to set her free and she ran towards them. Thank you so much! I was captured by a ghoul mare when I was traveling, I don’t know why though so don’t bother asking me. My name is Moon Wolf, I am the princess of the Lunar Republic.” As they turned an orange colt in armor and a crest banner of Lunar Republic on his chest trotted up to the group. Carrot Leaf what are you doing here? Did father Red Dust send you to find me? If so you have successfully found me my wonderful Royal Guard! Moon Wolf said cheerfully as she dashed towards him. While Moon Wolf talked to Carrot Leaf, Blue Varg sneaked behind Moon Wolf and bit her on her flank. Ouch! she yelled. What in the hay did you bite me for? Moon Wolf asked while rubbing her flank. The Blue Varg stepped back and howled. Princess Moon Wolf started to shake. Carrot Leaf tried to keep her steady but she pushed him back hard enough for him to fall to the ground. Her mane and hide spiked up. Her ears got pointy and she grew fangs. Star Swirl the Bearded was baffled to this as he have never seen such a transformation in his long life. Redeyes Eclipse, Blood Star, Lavender Tune, and Stripes LightningBlitz just stood watching as she transformed into a werepony. Redeyes rushed over to her and kissed Princess Moon Wolf on the lips. She stopped snarling and slowly started to morph back into a filly. Somehow he knew what to do no matter how embarrassing it was he knew he had to do it. Moon Wolfs beautiful brunette mane had grown longer and her beautiful emerald eyes grow larger as she realized she kissed Redeyes. Princess Moon Wolf was in a flurry and took a step back. She gasped and took note that everypony staring at her. Princess Moon Wolf looked Redeyes Eclipse in the eyes narrowly, Thou kiss turned me back normal. T…Thank you sir.” She blushed wildly as he bowed to her. Starswirl held out his hoof,“Something comes this way, brace yourselves I fear it to be a…” “ROAR!” A loud bellowing roar blasts the eardrums of the ponies striking fear into their hearts. A green dragon came down from the sky and landed right in front of the group and let out another frightening roar. It lifted its claw up and swung it down with such power the wind around it gathered force as it headed towards Blue Varg, as a counter action Starswirl the Bearded teleported grabbing Blue Varg and narrowly avoided the hit. Leaving no time to rest Redeyes Eclipse used the secret spell he learn from the moon again on the dragon while he was trying to hit Star Swirl the Bearded. The other ponies decided that it was best for them to run to safety and hid within the nearby bushes. The blast hit the raging dragon which made it disappear in blast of thick green smoke. Star Swirl the Bearded gasped at Redeyes for a moment before putting Blue Varg down. As the green smokescreen faded there laid a green Pegasus colt. Again Redeyes’ magic had stunned and amazed Starswirl and the others, yet such powerful magic comes at a price as Redeyes fainted from using his power. Starswirl held him in his arms and gave him some water to help wake him up. Redeyes heard a voice in his head as if a mystical power within his heart were speaking to him. Give them a name and they shall serve you loyally.” As Redeyes Eclipse opened his eyes he got up and stumbled over to the new colt. I dub you Dragon Light. The ponies hiding in the bushes emerged with caution. As they all gazed at the green colt that had now stood up and was bowing to Redeyes there was a large splashing sound nearby. Everypony stopped and turned towards the sound. The curious ponies all followed the sound and came to a river where there stood a Black Alicorn with wavy black hair and she wore a crown atop her head. Starswirl Gasped and bowed his head. Starswirl then rose again with a grin, Thou does honor us with her presence Princess Midnight Nyx. I almost didnt recognized you. How lucky we all are to meet you here, why dwell in such a dark place my lady? No need to answer if thou wish to keep such a reason to herself, much understandable. The Princess smiled and nodded,“I am quite alright my old friend, I am simply passing through. Although I stopped to investigate the noise I heard.” “Ahh yes it was from a dragon.” The princess stepped back in surprise, “Oh my, a dragon, prey tell where is the mighty beast now?” Starswirl paused and looked at the green colt then back at the princess. She knew right away powerful reformation and transforming magic was at work here. “How did you manage such powerful magic Starswirl?” He shook his head and pointed to Redeyes Eclipse. “Such power… yet it comes with a price. I would be wary of using it my child, do not do so without thought so often, it may turn out to do more bad than good.” Redeyes nodded even though he didn’t understand. How could his power that he used for good and protection ever be bad. Princess Midnight Nyx shook her head no. Her face expression was grim as she looked at Princess Moon Wolf and Blood Star as if she wanted to say something to them but could not. Redeyes Eclipse was to anxious to wait on her to speak so he used the telepathy magic he learned to read her thoughts. War! Redeyes Eclipse said gasping. The Solar Empire is waging war on Lunar Republic because of Princess Luna trying to kill Princess Celestia and it is in one week from now a surprise assault! Redeyes said while hugging on Princess Moon Wolf, who was bewildered to the sudden news. By Star Swirl Beard! Did that odd looking colt just read my mind? Who are you little one? Asked Princess Midnight Nyx as she looked at Redeyes Eclipse. Redeyes Eclipse maam. I am Star Swirl adopted son. I apologize for reading your mind without your permission. Its just you looked sad when you look at my special somepony Princess Moon Wolf and that got me anxious so I kinda read it without thinking. Redeyes explained while looking down at his hooves. Star Swirl the Bearded, Blood Star, Lavender Tune, Stripes LightningBlitz, Carrot Leaf, Dragon Light, and Blue Varg stood silent as they ponder the depth of war. It was Princess Moon Wolf who broke the silence as she shouted I must tell my father at once! Blood Star stepped forward and as she did there from the sky came falling down with great speed was a grey pegasus. His mane was bloody red with blue highlights. On his chest was an amulet of some kind that glowed blue. Star Swirl the Bearded shucked his head and said Urban Skyline, pray tell, what are you doing here my grandson? Blood Star answered before he could talk saying Brother did mother dearest send you to bring me back home because I already know our kingdom is going to war with Lunar Republic. Carrot Leaf stiffened while asking Are you the Princess Blood Star of Solar Empire. I thought it was odd to see an alicorn when i arrived it just I didnt know I was in the presence of royalty forgive me for not bowing and show my respects. Redeyes Eclipse was baffled because he is technically her uncle oddly Star Swirl dont talk much about his family and now he see why they are all royalty. Redeyes wanted to be mad at the old man for his neglect to tell him this but could not so he let it go. No need to bow Carrot Leaf we are friends remember. Princess Blood Star said to him while smiling. Princess Midnight Nyx look at Urban Skyline amulet on his chest and said The Gem of destiny. To think that a pegasus from solar empire acquire such an item baffles me. Star Swirl the Bearded cough while saying I implanted on him. He was a very sick colt and it was the only item i had powerful enough to save him life.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 02:06:04 +0000

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