Become the ANKH-OUR - We are the Anchors - that hold the divine - TopicsExpress


Become the ANKH-OUR - We are the Anchors - that hold the divine frequencies of the SOUL - We are the emmanations of the GRACE of FATHER.MOTHER.SUN/Sun in form expressed in this now as HU-MAN-Kind growing in KINDNESS and LIKENESS of the SOURCE which we are Creations at varied levels of Soul Growth and Ascension. When we incarnated here on Mother Earth we did so by becoming the joint expressions of FOUR BEINGS IN COMMUNION. Our Earthly Mother and Father and our Heavenly Source The Elohim Council of Universal Creators our Divine Blue Print. We are frequency holders of various strands or strata of the RAIN-Bow / Sun Beams / Showers as the RA-IN that comes from the Above to the Below. We are the Trees that are receptors recipients of liquid air condensation. Each a unique expression liken to a snowflake yet a deposit from the same source. We are ALL ONE G-IAN-T expression of SOURCE yet not clones homogenized to be exact. We hold mirrors of the parts liken to a jig-saw puzzle meant to unite and then view the collective through the lens by which source views us as diverse as a garden with all beautiful flowers A-ROSE with many flavors/colors/scents essences of beauty to be valued and appreciated as the petals, leaves, thorns, stems, branches, trunk, root and the fertile soil that supports the eco-symbiosis of the PLANT-PLAN-ET and the Air that supports the ECO-SPHERE. Can one exists without the other? Can the emission from the father that produces millions of replications of itself in the seminal be less valued as the one which competes to become the first to make the spark of fertilization. All other emanations is returned to the matrix as a bi-product of the moment of crescendo in the symphony of love. Yet all were exact except for the SOUL that decided at that moment from the HEAVENLY source of our SOUL Group and Extra-Plan-et-airy Zodiac (AIN) that decided to loan a brave one to begin the incarnation journey here on Earth. The ET-herian conduit that instantaneously transports this particle of divine breath and intelligence to take form here for the continuation of the cellular contributions of the father and mother. Are we less or more valuable than the egg that is carefully formulated to receive life as the Egg of Earth receives billion of life form potential each years and maintaining the balance of sustainability of the life/death/rebirth dance of this continuum. Each life with a unique sound in the U-N-I Verse of the Song of Creation, Creatures, Creator. Beloveds of LOVES OMNI Potential Expression. Take a moment to really appreciate how truly beautiful you are. Imagine a flower growing wild that has never been cut for a vase, captured in a photograph or painted in a picture... Does that flower not possess the same beauty by just being present and having its being? You.Me.We are that flower remembering that we are the apples of the Creators EYE growing on the Matrix of the Mother. We are HU-MAN-KIND and We are Divine Expression of the IMAGE and LIKENESS of our CREATOR (Earth Heaven and the Stars). SOL O MON and the Extract of Earth and Stars. You are truly WONDERFULLY MADE HUMAN STARS OF THE QUANTUM OMNISCIENCE OF OUR FULL POTENTIAL = LOVE. I AM AMOR - I AM LOVE - I AM - IAN - A TONE OF RADIANCE
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 05:34:03 +0000

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