Becoming A Strong Christian Leader Daily 101 06/10/13 9) Head - TopicsExpress


Becoming A Strong Christian Leader Daily 101 06/10/13 9) Head on a swivel Be vigilant, be aware; as a leader this is very important for both negative and positive things. You need to see both coming; here are two verse that will show you what I am by that. 1 Peter 5:8-9 (NKJV) 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. That would on the negative side of things, you need to be aware of so you can hold up your shield in time for those fiery darts evil forces throw at us in the spiritual realm; and how it could appear in the physical realm is bad press report on you church or business from lies or accusations. Its import to be aware and prepare for the impact, and deal with them but continue to be aware and vigilant. Ephesians 1:3 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: You know I think a lot of people over look the blessings God gives us daily. Lets look at them; well I awoke to a new day, I have air to breath, I may not have as much food as others but I still have food to eat. I have clothes on my back, electricity on, water running. I have a fishing pole to catch food and relax. Most importantly I have Gods living and loving word: The Holy Bible , the bread of life, and away to share that. I know when I awoke to that reality I saw I needed to humble myself more. Now once your aware of that, be aware of other blessings. For example, I ran a ministry full time and God has set me out on some big missions that I need support and help with. I happened to click on a post by a pastor taking about how Rome was destroyed from the inside, and not the outside. I liked the post and went on to say a little bit about the leadership I do. Come to find out, he is right in line with what I have been set out to do. Days before that I prayed to the lord and said lord “ I know I have people helping me with this ministry and leadership, but lord you have set a big mission in front of me, I thank you for the people you’ve sent to help me I pray lord if thats the only people you want on my team I thank you for them; but lord if there is more I pray you send more” and BOOOOOMMM! Few days go by and I run into the someone on the same page and mission as me. That was a huge blessing! I was aware of the foundation of the pastors words in his post, leadership was ran by evil people in Rome and tyrants and it fell. So I said yep thats why we need leaders to rise in the church. I hope that makes since. 10) Follow to lead Now if that does’nt make since allow me to explain. Just because you are in a leadership position does not mean you can’t follow another leader. In fact if you want to become a strong leader and make a difference, its a great idea to follow another leader. Thats is what I am doing as I type this, I have someone teaching me leadership skills and I am following that person, and helping that person become a strong leader by supporting him. So who are my leaders I follow in life? In this order, first and always God, then the person teaching me leadership, and family. God always leads us, and I pray everyday that God leads me, so I may better lead others; and be the leader that God needs me to be. My friend teaching me what he knows and continues to learn for the person teaching him. Then my family, the ones who where your leaders since you where small that have engraved some of the leadership traits you have. Family or friends can give consul on some of the choices you have to make as a leader, they can lead you the right. Why is this important? If you can’t follow different leaders, and in your heart you feel as if you don’t need help in leadership I got news for you your wrong, that type of mentality is one of a tyrant/dictator. A leader NEVER EVER stops learning new skills in leadership, you should always want to learn from others to sharpen your skills. This also ties into “keeping your head on a swivel” awareness; be aware when someone comes along that could help you become a better leader, if you follow them. Becoming A Strong Christian Leader Daily 101 06/10/13 9) Head on a swivel Be vigilant, be aware; as a leader this is very important for both negative and positive things. You need to see both coming; here are two verse that will show you what I am by that. 1 Peter 5:8-9 (NKJV) 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. That would on the negative side of things, you need to be aware of so you can hold up your shield in time for those fiery darts evil forces throw at us in the spiritual realm; and how it could appear in the physical realm is bad press report on you church or business from lies or accusations. Its import to be aware and prepare for the impact, and deal with them but continue to be aware and vigilant. Ephesians 1:3 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: You know I think a lot of people over look the blessings God gives us daily. Lets look at them; well I awoke to a new day, I have air to breath, I may not have as much food as others but I still have food to eat. I have clothes on my back, electricity on, water running. I have a fishing pole to catch food and relax. Most importantly I have Gods living and loving word: The Holy Bible , the bread of life, and away to share that. I know when I awoke to that reality I saw I needed to humble myself more. Now once your aware of that, be aware of other blessings. For example, I ran a ministry full time and God has set me out on some big missions that I need support and help with. I happened to click on a post by a pastor taking about how Rome was destroyed from the inside, and not the outside. I liked the post and went on to say a little bit about the leadership I do. Come to find out, he is right in line with what I have been set out to do. Days before that I prayed to the lord and said lord “ I know I have people helping me with this ministry and leadership, but lord you have set a big mission in front of me, I thank you for the people you’ve sent to help me I pray lord if thats the only people you want on my team I thank you for them; but lord if there is more I pray you send more” and BOOOOOMMM! Few days go by and I run into the someone on the same page and mission as me. That was a huge blessing! I was aware of the foundation of the pastors words in his post, leadership was ran by evil people in Rome and tyrants and it fell. So I said yep thats why we need leaders to rise in the church. I hope that makes since. 10) Follow to lead Now if that does’nt make since allow me to explain. Just because you are in a leadership position does not mean you can’t follow another leader. In fact if you want to become a strong leader and make a difference, its a great idea to follow another leader. Thats is what I am doing as I type this, I have someone teaching me leadership skills and I am following that person, and helping that person become a strong leader by supporting him. So who are my leaders I follow in life? In this order, first and always God, then the person teaching me leadership, and family. God always leads us, and I pray everyday that God leads me, so I may better lead others; and be the leader that God needs me to be. My friend teaching me what he knows and continues to learn for the person teaching him. Then my family, the ones who where your leaders since you where small that have engraved some of the leadership traits you have. Family or friends can give consul on some of the choices you have to make as a leader, they can lead you the right. Why is this important? If you can’t follow different leaders, and in your heart you feel as if you don’t need help in leadership I got news for you your wrong, that type of mentality is one of a tyrant/dictator. A leader NEVER EVER stops learning new skills in leadership, you should always want to learn from others to sharpen your skills. This also ties into “keeping your head on a swivel” awareness; be aware when someone comes along that could help you become a better leader, if you follow them.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:59:24 +0000

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