Before I say goodnight... I was through the ringer today, and - TopicsExpress


Before I say goodnight... I was through the ringer today, and Robin Williamss death was only part of it. Enough death and near-death for one day, especially a Monday. Its enough to give me (bigger) issues. I know one, possibly two souls in a better place tonight – though Im in no hurry to get there myself, or for YOU to either. Much earlier this morning I posted that if bullshit were diabetes, 90% of everyone on FB, 99% of the media and 100% of the government would be in the Emergency ward having something gangrenous amputated. Its days like today (again, news of Robin Williams was just ONE PART of my day) that make me want to ban the bullshit. Cut out the constant memes, political charts, the Salon and Drudge links ad nauseam... Shit, people, thats where most of all this depression comes from – people who dont give a crap that they make your heart hurt with their self-indulgent relentlessness. You really want to battle depression now, in Robins memory? Is that the new cyber-white knights battlecry of the moment? Well as someone who has faced a dark night of the soul and who knows there is never a clear-cut moment of victory... just a low simmering stale-mate... May I suggest: Just once tomorrow, at least, say something helpful to a friend that isnt someone elses words, but typed out in your own words... and mean them. And own them: sign the painting. Thats my humble request. Lets actually have true social media for a few minutes tomorrow – it might be exactly what a hurting soul needs. To know that there is someone real out there, who IS there for them. Not a pithy meme factory, but a PERSON. I send prayer and vibes of comfort to Williamss family. A special prayer for the little furry hit-and-run victim I stood making shade for while rescue arrived, and a hope that someone really means rescue at Porterville Animal Rescue and it isnt just a word painted on the door of a truck driven by uniformed assholes. And to all a goodnight.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:18:54 +0000

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