Before i begin i would like to say anytime i put anything up here - TopicsExpress


Before i begin i would like to say anytime i put anything up here on the book its for informational purposes ONLY and im going to be giving short versions or eles we would be here all night, So What you do with the information is totally up to you. Im not trying to get anyone to stop doing what they are use to doing or any of that but this is for those who may not know or never was told. Now we need to understand that jesus is the reason for the season, Let that be known, Now i usually break down paganism when it comes to Halloween, and Easter. When it comes to Christmas it usually a slippery slope and alot of unsubstantiated facts out here about the subject. When i speak of paganism there are alot of things with pagan roots attached to them but if i where to pick out everything about the subject we all should stay home. Now it has been said that christmas may have has pagan roots. The idea came from 2 things. First is the Germanic or scandanavian or nortic mythology and or roman mythology, It also can be translated roman paganism/germanic paganism. before i continue, christmas is December 25th but some folks celebrate christmas on January 6, This is considered the day of Ephiany the reason its January 6th is because from Dec 25th to Jan 6th its exactly 12 days and this is the inspiration behind the song we know as 12 days of christmas. (cont below)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:42:10 +0000

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