Before my American friends vote today Id like to go over a few - TopicsExpress


Before my American friends vote today Id like to go over a few things... It has been over 40 yrs since the Republicans have enacted any laws the benefit the people The last one was in the 70s when Nixon created the EPA. They still believe in Reagans trickle down economics which we know now has created the largest income inequality in history. Anyone with common sense knows when the whole of the people are financially stable they spend money which keeps business afloat and the demand promotes job creation. When working people no longer need rent assistance or food assistance then the economy is strong. In April of 2014 the five conservative justices gave corporations unlimited power by decaring money as free speech and democracy is now sold to the highest bidded. Justice Scalia even took it one step further when he quoted Citizens United saying Ingratiation and access are not corruption. Really???? yet the definaition of bribery is the giving, receiving or soliciting something of value to inflence an action. Whether it be the agenda of teaching creationism only in school, fighting equal rights, fighting medical rights etc., millions of dollars are being spent buying politicians on a state level. A lot of people dont pay attention to mid terms but they are so very important. Look what has happened in Red states already with voter ID. Large amounts of people have been discriminated against even though...say it with me...there is little to no voter fraud in the US! Why else would they need to take away early voting, weekend voting and close different poll areas? Because it disproportionately affects the lower income people that just cant leave work and wait in line for 4-10 hrs to vote. The very people that the GOP have declared the takers who in reality work 2-3 jobs are the ones that wont be able to vote. And dont even let me get started on the Constitionalists that scream the loudest but still confuse the Constitution with The Bill of Rights! So you see this mid term is very important. State politics is very important. When a political party has to close polls, create a ridiculous voter ID system, and create a gerrymandered system making it close to impossible for the other party to win elections it is because they can not win a fair election...dont let any more rights be taken away state by state Get out there and vote or STFU
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:38:45 +0000

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