Beheadings? There is a lot of world outrage with respect to the - TopicsExpress


Beheadings? There is a lot of world outrage with respect to the current wave of Islamic (ISIS/ISIL) beheadings. The closer they are to home, the greater the outrage. Most people that I know are grossed out by the frequent videos. I wonder sometimes… why? Premature death is always an ugly thing. The method doesnt really make it any more ugly. The Islamic executioners hide behind masks like the cowards that I personally think they are. Still though on the other hand, we hide our executioners. Whats the difference? We dont put them on the front page and nobody really tells us who they are either so cowards, well I suppose thats a bit of a stretch. They just want to live, to kill another day. They have the attitude that its just my job man… nothing personal here. This is what my government or my religion or what have you trained me to do. The videos are intended to do exactly what they are doing… grossing people out. Perhaps we in the United States of America and a few other countries have been sheltered from truth for far to long. The world is an ugly place and getting more ugly by the day but no matter, none of this is making the victims any more deceased. Everybody has a reason. The Muslims want us out of their business and off of their land. We on the other hand want to convey a message to the masses that certain types of behavior are not acceptable. That works fine over here but it doesnt mean squat in any foreign country. Who are we to tell anyone how to run his or her country? In the bigger picture though, dead is dead no matter how many ways you look at it. Be it by beheading, an auto accident, a firing squad, electrocution, lethal-injection or whatever other creative methods governments and or individuals can come up with, dead will always be dead. The end. Finished. Thats just the way it is. The families have to live with the consequences. The United Nations preaches the Rodney King approach to life… cant we all just get along. They preach political correctness while stabbing us in the back at every bend in the road. The answer is no, we cant. Man has been killing one another since the beginning of time. Able was the first and certainly will not be the last. There are people in this world with whom I do not want to get along and Muslims are among them. They are in fact at the top of my list. Political correctness is a cancer rotting our country from the inside out. We have enemies and must remain vigilant if we are to remain a country. If we are to survive, we must destroy our enemies or break their will to fight on. Fighting thirty-year wars is not the way to do that. Good men die unnecessarily. You get in, you take care of business and then you get the hell out. You want our help? This is the way it will go down. If you can live with that, were in. If you cannot, were not and good luck with your little war. You will not call the shots for our fighting men period. There will never be a One World Order and you can put that in the bank. Were it not for the United Nations endless rhetoric about providing humanitarian aid to war torn countries and the fly by medias insatiable appetite for money making stories, there would likely have been no foreigners in these countries to behead. I dont like to see people dying either but the fact of the matter is they are there, working for someone and that someone is not I, and it is not you. It is either the UN, religious organizations, bleeding heart charitable organizations or meddling of their own free will. You are merely witnessing the price of such foolhardy conduct. We as a nation facilitate these do-gooders and bad decisions by denying our own youngsters a real education, a job, through our complacent politically correct voting habits and by providing ammo. Nothing we do or can do will fix more than a thousand years of war and I sure as hell do not want to bring a single one of them here without some commitment to assimilate to OUR WAY OF LIFE. Just sayin
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:30:15 +0000

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