Being a leader does not change who you are (Michelle - TopicsExpress


Being a leader does not change who you are (Michelle Obama). Liberians, we either act now or forever hold our peace in economic hardships, social injustice, poverty and suffering, and watch while the Sirleafs families rapidly grip onto more, if not all political powers. Folks, I think we have a perfect referencing opportunity to act against President Sirleaf and her family including her cronies in power, now that other countries such as Burkina Faso, had just done the same in our region. Our refusals not to act against this regime will send the wrong message and forever take us all hostage, and serve as a deterrence in the future against any government that may also want to disrespect the people, by following the path of this current led regime of Ma Ellen. Now, few months ago, what other folks thought to be rumors and were dismissing, that Robert Sirleaf, Ma Ellen son was planning on running to becoming senator is now more of a reality than what they thought of as joke. Today, president sirleaf has once again, shown her criminals tactics in politics, by fooling and lying to Ali Sylla that he won the UP party ticket on white ballot in the midst of other potential covet, to represent the party in the upcoming special senatorial election race, knowing fully well that her son was also running in the race. Rumors has it that Ali Sylla was convinced to drop out of the race and was promised the youth and sports minister job or position, which I think he agree to by saying he is dropping from the race due to medical and health reasons. But if that is his reason for quitting the race than how will he effectively function as a youths and sport minister? I guess no one is concern about that! As a nation, we all must know that we are part of the new world orders and must also adopt and accept those changes such as; human rights, freedoms, fairness and justice, considerations, accountability, equality and opportunity that comes with it for ALL, bearing in mind that what good for you, is also good for the next man. No doubt in my mind, that its President Sirleaf who is responsible for this inhumane and ail treatment of Ali Sylla. The attempt by she and her children including other extended family members, for more state powers have cause a great setback and emotional pain to this young man. Folks, popular uprising is not consider coup, by that I think this nightmare called government can gooooo!!! you decide........was Ali Sylla fooled and lied to by UP? Thanks Below are all President Sirleaf children in government!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:40:21 +0000

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