Being a long-time Glenn Beck listener, I’ve been thinking about - TopicsExpress


Being a long-time Glenn Beck listener, I’ve been thinking about getting involved with a 9/12 group. Now, I’m not so sure because I’m having doubts about the character and integrity under the surface. I was at the meeting on 20 March. My first hint of a biased, predetermined agenda was in the advertisement for the event. Words mean things, and writers choose them carefully to communicate an idea or feeling. For example, the term “revise” was used rather than the Constitutionally correct word “amend.’ The person who created this wrote, “labeled Today as a “Convention of States.” This is either historically ignorant or deliberately intended to mislead people into thinking the term is of recent invention, when it was used by the Framers. There was also the mischaracterization of the amending of the Articles of Confederation, which birthed our Constitution. This is logically contradictory. On one hand, you claim to love this Constitution, and on the other you question its legitimacy. Another clue to the agenda was the program that was handed out at the beginning of the meeting. The piece written by Joan Brown about the topic for the evening was obviously intended to poison the well. She wrote in a way that lumped Mark Levin in with the leftists who want to destroy our liberty and bemoaned his leading astray of “our own heroes.” She was definitely not neutral in the questions she raised, because she could have just as well balanced it by pointing out that the methods used by the JBS for the past 60 years have been a failure as we’ve hurtled down the road of progressivism. The Twelve Values? Among those listed, Thursday’s experience showed me that at the very least, honesty, sincerity, and humility are in peril here. Listening to Beck speak of the 9/12 groups I expected a higher level of integrity. It’s obvious that this group has been hijacked to become a proxy JBS chapter. I speak as a former JBS member. There is no doubt that the JBS is patriotic. However, there is a character under the surface that gives reasonable people pause. That is the institutional xenophobia that says everyone who is not JBS is either part of the conspiracy or a dupe being manipulated by the conspiracy. This opinion is formed from observation, and to the best of my knowledge the JBS has never teamed up with another organization. It has always been “us vs. them.” This fear of those outside of the group and control of the thinking of members within the group are marks of a cult, in this case, a political one rather than one religious in nature. As a patriot I will continue to work for the survival of the American Republic. However, with the demonstrated lack of integrity and objectivity, you’ve lost me as a potential member of your group.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 16:18:24 +0000

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