Being flexible means that if things dont go as planned to be okay - TopicsExpress


Being flexible means that if things dont go as planned to be okay with doing something else. For instance, if you promised your child you would take them to the park to play and an unexpected storm hits, take them to the Chick Fil A playground instead. This works the same with God...... Being flexible to God isnt always easy, but we must trust that He knows best for our life and that things doesnt always go as we planned. Sometimes God sees something bad on the road ahead for us and He places us on a detour to something even better than we anticipated. Something that maybe we cant see at the moment, but we must trust that once we get to where He wants us to go that we will soon understand. If an extremely SLOW driver suddenly pulls in front of us do you get upset and scream Oh man! Go on would you! or do you view it in a different way, thanking God for slowing you down..... perhaps if you had kept at the speed you were going you would have been in an accident? If we can learn to SLOW down and enjoy life and truly be flexible to God, we would find that our life is less stressful, taking one day at a time. So each time God places you on a detour that you cant understand, try thanking him for what lies ahead, even before you know what you are thanking Him for, for it is true that He will ALWAYS open another door when He closes one. He will always give you a way out, or something may not be tomorrow, next week or even next month, but hang in there because with every storm the sun will finally shine again! sbpra/KarenAyers
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 12:43:38 +0000

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