Being happy, truly happy, the kind of happy we all dream about - TopicsExpress


Being happy, truly happy, the kind of happy we all dream about starts with you loving yourself. It is that simple and yet the most common question I get is How Do I Love Myself? Why is it that we know how to love others, animals, jobs, etc but we are so confused in how to love ourselves. This is tragic and it is why so many of us are lonely, unhappy and feeling like life is less than stellar. Loving yourself is not all that much different than loving others. You must give time to yourself, treat yourself nicely, talk to yourself lovingly and respectfully and make decisions which benefit your life. In loving ourselves we take the time to get to know who we are,what we like and what we need and we learn how to supply these things for ourselves. We create lives we do not need to be rescued from and we are choosey over who we select to have in our lives. We choose relationships which support and value who we are on all levels and we protect our hearts by getting rid of those people who are toxic for us. We have look at where and when we lost touch with our personal value and then do the work to reinstate that value by changing who and how we are. We all should have a dream of who we are wanting to become. There are endless levels of personal growth to be had so start that beautiful process. It is never too late to start positive change in your life. In loving yourself you live a whole new level of life. Life becomes rich, more understandable and we dont get rattled so easily. Life is still life but accepting life on lifes terms is easier when you are brave enough to do whatever you have to do love and value yourself.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:00:00 +0000

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