Being raised on a small farm owned by my not so wealthy - TopicsExpress


Being raised on a small farm owned by my not so wealthy grandfather and my parents being simple unskilled laborers we often had little or not enough food to make it through to the next time we needed food in the pantry. Getting married at the young age of 21 and having our first child by the time we had been married less than a year, I still had the memories of those days when we went without anything to eat and became determined that my family would not go hungry. The first thing we did was go shopping for groceries before any other bills were paid. Mikki and I still tend to do that to this day. In the story found in Mark chapter 6 we find Jesus feeding five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish. In the conversation He had with the didciples we see He was not concerned about the ammount or cost of the necessary food to feed the thousands. His only concern was that His discipleslearn that it is not what is needed, but what God has ready to provide us with. I remember two occassions that on Sunday morning Mikki & I had to decide whether we were going to give our tithe which happened to be $75 both times. We decided to remain faithful and follow Gods will. The first time our youngest son needed new shoes badly. not going to the church on Saturday, I still had mail from the day before to open. One of the letters was from the Sunday School class I taught before being ordained and commissioned as a church planter. Contained in the letter was a brief note that explained that during their prayer time the Sunday previous our names came up and they chose to take an offering for us. The ammount contained in the envelope was the exact ammount needed to purchase the shoes which happened to be more than the ammount we had given that morning. Another time We had a similar circumstance. It had turned winter and I chose to wear a sports coat I had not worne since the early spring of that year. We again discussed the issue and decided to be obedient and follow Gods will. Upon returning home from church, I as usual emptied my pockets. This time I checked the lapel pocket which I never put anything in. I found in the pocket 3 $20, 1$10, and 1 $5 bills folded up neeatly in a note that said only; God told me this morning that you need this. I to this day no knowledga of who it came from other than God Himself, delivered by a special messenger. An annonymous writer wrote He who can give thanks for a little will always find he has enough. If He can make enough to feed 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and two fish and have leftovers, He can always provide evverything we need in our lives. Have you ever attended a church fellowship meal and left hungry and ther being leftovers for the needy to take home?
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 14:00:36 +0000

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