Belief. Once something is added to our collection of beliefs, - TopicsExpress


Belief. Once something is added to our collection of beliefs, we protect it from harm. We protect it instinctively and unconsciously when confronted with inconsistent information. In the same way confirmation bias shields us when we actively seek information, the backfire effect defends us when the information seeks us or blindsides us when were least expecting it. Coming or going, we stick to our beliefs instead of questioning them. When someone tries to correct us or challenges misconceptions, it can often backfire and strengthen those misconceptions. Over time, the backfire effect makes us immune to considering the possibility that we just may indeed be mistaken in our beliefs. This is a condition I think inhibits many religionists from having the ability to see the error in their ways. Shelving their preconceived notions for even a moment becomes impossible and at that point, theyre unable to absorb information or concepts that would otherwise be at least considered and either rejected or accepted on the merit of the information itself. Theists suggest its the Atheist whos mind is closed. I tend to think its the other way around. If the point articulated above isnt testament enough I think it wise for the believer to keep in mind that for us nonbelievers, its objective scientific evidence that gets our attention. Present us with a healthy dose in support of your God hypothesis and weve got something to consider. And before the Theist argues its not their responsibility to provide such evidence, they should remember whos making the claim that a creator God exists to begin with. Its the claimant who holds the burden of proof and in this particular case none has been presented. Ever. But this fact doesnt mean the skeptics position isnt malleable. I think most would agree, if presented with scientifically objective evidence supporting the God hypothesis, wed be more than willing to admit the error in our ways. The God hypothesis is simply one of an infinite number of possible explanations for the existence of the universe. Thats all it is and as far as rational explanations are concerned, I dont think magic is a very good one and answers no questions whatsoever. Christianitys explanation for how the universe, our galaxy and the planet we inhabit came into existence is absolutely asinine. The Bible makes scientific claims that are unequivocally false. And when presented with these falsehoods, the theist goes into defense mode protecting their cherished beliefs from harm. Its also become apparent to me through my contact with theists how casually they tend to consider the plight of the nonbeliever if indeed the theist truly believes our souls are in grave danger of being exiled to a lake of fire and infinite punishment. Even the watered-down perspective of more and more believers that skeptics will be exiled in some other manner from an infinite afterlife of bliss. The believer rarely seems to grasp the magnitude of the skeptics conundrum. That being, which faith to follow and which God to worship. Because theyre (religionists) very often suggesting opposing positions on the true path to the divine. Whats a person who wishes to believe the most truths and the fewest falsehoods in life to do? Throw darts at the wall? No. Theyre to forego belief in any God. The only rationale position. The only logical position. And the position any God who may be responsible for our existence, intellect and ability to reason would understand.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:43:38 +0000

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